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Attending: Christine Miki, Dave Robinson, Ann West, Marc Wallman, Jim Stewart, Brad Christ, Bernard Gulachek, Ashrab Ahmed(late), Kristi Holmes, Margaret Cullen,
Board Meeting report: Kevin gave a brief report Marc Wallman attended, significant engagement from the board. Goal was to make sure that everyone understood about Futures2 and InCommon. Teaching and Learning discussion dominated the discussion. Federal agency services were also talked about.
Kristi- has noticed on their campus that there is so much uncertainty about grants, universities are thinking more about what their portfolio looks like. Nice to hear this.
Ann- they seemed to understand all the conversations that were going on.
Jim- likes this idea and is glad to hear it. What are the next steps and how do we build on it? Invision a marketplace of services and projects. Recently collaborated with others and would like to further formalize it. Do we have the ability to form services with each other?
Kevin- work with IDEA “An Online Higher Education Alliance”: consortium , we are “selling” the infrastructure, if we have success with IDEA we can build on that.
There will be about 20 schools that can provide services if this succeeds. We will be able to leverage others.
Dave- federation service catalog, the more people we have to publish the information when they do it the better it will be.
Kristi- CTSAs over 60 of them. Working with in progress proposals, a lot of other resources and services to members of the public. Having more infrastructure in place is exciting.
Here’s a link to the hub directory:
Next steps- we have all the policy pieces in place, now it's all about the business pieces, and coming out with a toolkit.
Overview of the 5 areas, question is how do we bring in more people? Margaret- should these be shared with CACTI ?
Keeping you informed and these reports would be very helpful. Are they good assets to help make the point to the board? Ann to send out an email to get some feedback.
Cert Service: Path is clear to do a fee increase. Information was given to the board last week at the meeting
Brad- do we have a transition plan?
Fee increase was discussed and a path is clear to move forward
Meeting adjourned
Next meeting : Sept 9th due to holiday on the 2nd