From https://www.gartner.com/document-reader/document/4145899
14:06:52 From J.J. DU CHATEAU to Everyone:
There had been attendees from Greek and Great Britain periodically in the past.
14:08:12 From jeff kennedy to Dana Miller I UTA(Direct Message):
https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/2024-04-26+EA+Tools+Wrap-Up+Discussion how is that?
14:08:30 From jeff kennedy to Dana Miller I UTA(Direct Message):
^^ and thank you for volunteering to scribe!
14:08:48 From Dana Miller I UTA to jeff kennedy(Direct Message):
Thanks, I think I messed up the parent?
14:09:55 From Dana Miller I UTA to jeff kennedy(Direct Message):
Fixed it. Thanks for your help!
14:12:04 From Louis King to Everyone:
Peter, is your implementation across all campuses or for a specific campus?
14:16:23 From Mary Stevens to Everyone:
Story telling is one of our key skills, right?
14:16:45 From Henry Pruitt to Everyone:
yes; stories sell!
14:18:30 From Peter Churey (Sheridan College) to Everyone:
Reacted to "Story telling is one..." with 👍🏻
14:22:00 From jeff kennedy to Everyone:
Replying to "Story telling is one..."
+1 and just yesterday i was reminded of this Gartner piece on storytelling for #entarch = {Jhawar, A., Allega, P., & Gabrys, E. (2023) _Storytelling for Enterprise Architecture: How to Persuade Leaders of EAs Value in Decision Making_, Gartner Research, Article ID G00466751, available at https://www.gartner.com/document-reader/document/3981129 — Communicating the EA value proposition and retaining support from leadership teams is a challenge. To gain stakeholder engagement in the value proposition of EA, enterprise architecture and technology innovation leaders can use a three-act structure of storytelling.}
14:24:37 From jeff kennedy to Everyone:
¿What do you think is the interplay between having EA Tools and EA Practice Maturity? = for example, is there a minimum level of maturity needed to gain any benefit; at some point do EA Tools help to lift EA Maturity; are EA Tools simply the cost of doing EA business?
14:26:55 From jeff kennedy to Everyone:
¿Business Architecture came through strongly as use-cases for the EA Tools, and i'm wondering about Business Processes and the extent to which the various EA Tools support process modelling and integrate with process mining etc and the extent to which folk are using those tool features: does that depend upon the dominant EA Practice Archetype, EA Practice Maturity, etc?
14:28:26 From Henry Pruitt to Everyone:
I think there is a minimum level of maturity required to get value from the tool... you need to establish standards and definitions etc so you have consistency
14:30:14 From Henry Pruitt to Everyone:
our business architecture practice is not as mature as we hope it will be, and it varies based on business area... for instance finance is more mature than research, in terms of processes
14:30:56 From Henry Pruitt to Everyone:
it has taken a while for people to understand the value of capabilities
14:31:36 From Henry Pruitt to Everyone:
one of the things that helped is to correlate capabilities to types of data created/consumed, and the number of applications supporting a capability
14:33:24 From jeff kennedy to Everyone:
¿Each of the EA Tools featured positioned itself as a data repository able to connect with and consume data from a bunch of other systems... (thinking of Mary's comment about not-a-CMDB) to what extent are you all doing that kind of integration and across what sources and only ingest? Here's a picture of some commonly-scoped integrations:
14:33:28 From jeff kennedy to Everyone:
Reacted to "I think there is a m..." with 👍
14:35:27 From Henry Pruitt to Everyone:
that is a great visual... ea at the center of the universe!
14:35:35 From jeff kennedy to Everyone:
Reacted to "that is a great visu..." with 😍
14:36:24 From Dana Miller I UTA to Everyone:
The Medium is the Message is perfect coming from Canada. Thanks Phil!
14:37:05 From Philippe to Everyone:
Reacted to "The Medium is the Me..." with 😂
14:39:55 From Mary Stevens to Everyone:
The surveys in that tool do seem to be very powerful
14:40:02 From Mary Stevens to Everyone:
I wish I had them.
14:42:59 From jeff kennedy to Everyone:
¿Visualizations, at what level of stakeholder seniority do the tool-based visualizations stop working and you need to break out into something more like artwork than modelling <<< or is this part of maturity and senior stakeholders begin to appreciate #entarch models?
14:45:09 From jeff kennedy to Everyone:
Replying to "our business archite..."
...thinking partly of this sort of feature set around all-the-business-things including capabilities and processes and value streams, this from Essential "The BPMN Process Modeller augments the existing support for business processes in Essential, including the links to Business Capabilities, Applications and Information used, Organisations and Value Streams. The ability to draw your processes in Essential, if required, fulfils the functionality required for the business process area in an EA Tool."
14:45:30 From Henry Pruitt to Everyone:
some tools provide "sexier" views than others
14:46:07 From Henry Pruitt to Everyone:
and knowing your audience will be important... exec wants simple pictures, app owners want tables and graphs
14:46:45 From Henry Pruitt to Everyone:
some tools can create simple powerpoints, or publish to wikis
14:47:43 From jeff kennedy to Everyone:
Ardoq and Interactive Block Diagrams: https://help.ardoq.com/en/articles/143573-interactive-blocks-beta
14:49:54 From Mary Stevens to Everyone:
I will take some of my views and work with graphics designers to help create objects that the CIO might want to use with senior leadership. The views from the tool help that discussion and form the basis for the sexier visualization.
14:51:29 From Mary Stevens to Everyone:
Consumer users in BizzDesign can have static views, but they they can also drill in and investigate that object in the model. So for more technical people, I don’t have to a priori know every view they might want, they do some exploration and even save a view that is useful for them.
14:53:19 From jeff kennedy to Everyone:
Essential publishes this cost openly, it's USD$19,500/year for any number of users and any number of information nodes and any amount of the features.
14:54:27 From J.J. DU CHATEAU to Everyone:
Re visuals. Some of the visuals can be very basic, so I have in the past have exported the basic matrix or diagram and 'prettied' it up with color coding and adding additional ways to depict more variables in 1 place.
14:56:37 From Henry Pruitt to Everyone:
one other comment,... try them all... most vendors will offer a free pilot with your data
14:57:11 From Mary Stevens to Everyone:
+1 Henry. Also, there is a learning curve for each. So make sure that you allocate time to learn the tool.
14:57:38 From Henry Pruitt to Everyone:
the three that we discussed were my favorite out of the ones on the marketplace... we started with 6 as candidates
14:58:11 From Mary Stevens to Everyone:
Visuals - Heatmaps seem to be well understood by many levels, and are great conversation starters, or supporters.