Panel |
Web conference: Audio: |
Who | With |
person | inst. |
- Introductions/Roll Call
- Action Items from Last time
- Put links in the wiki - Dedra done
- Poll about moving meeting - Dedra done
- Continue to review documents (Id Match & Reg evals.)
- ID Match
- OpenEMPI Presentation - Venu
Action Items
- Dedra - put links in the wiki for the OpenEMPI whitepapers, Jimmy's strawman, and Lucas' matrix (based on Jimmy's strawman). Mail that out to the group
- Group - review these documents, note any questions or missing things from the strawman or matrix your group might want/need
- Venu - plug away at getting OpenEMPI up and running.
- Dedra - Poll group about moving meeting to 12pm instead of 11am (EDT)