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Conference Call Info: Video Bridge 22104

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  2. Enter the conference number (22104) followed by the # key (e.g., 22104#)





Benn Oshrin

Internet2 / Various


Jimmy Vuccolo



Lucas Rockwell



Renee Shuey



Steven Carmody



Matt Sargent

Indiana U / Kuali


Dedra Chamberlin



Omer Almatary



Muhammad Siddique



RL "Bob" Morgan




  1. Introductions/Roll Call
  2. Action Items from Last time
    1. All ok with Dedra functioning as PM? - All
    2. Timeline and Suggestions for Evaluation process - Dedra
    3. Jasig incubation process notes from Benn (see notes below) - Benn
  3. New ID Match potential project: OpenEMPI (from the health care industry, Apache 2 license)

Discussion Materials

[OSIdM4HEteam:From Benn] On today's Registries call, the topic of evaluating potential solutions for sustainability came up. The Registries group was interested in assembling a list of criteria for determining how sustainable a solution is. I suggested as a starting point referring to the Jasig Incubation Process.

The Process is designed to start more or less from scratch, and over an unspecified period of time ensure a project has met various criteria that were determined to ensure the project was sustainable. You can see the full process here:

Extracting from that highlights the Registries group (and others) might consider:

  • Code in public repository
  • Public issue tracker
  • Public wiki
  • Public lists
  • Public web presence
  • Proper OSS license
  • Active and diverse development community
    • Committers from more than one institution and beyond the original set
    • Project lead
    • If one contributor leaves demonstrate that the project will continue to exist
  • Project steering committee/governance
  • Public release plans/roadmap

Action Items

  • All:  do outreach to potential interested parties for eval phase (Dedra to do most of this)
  • Dedra: update and correct proposed eval timeline dates


immediate task:  organize eval team(s), per revised timeline
  there are typos regarding dates in what Dedra posted ...
participation from UC, PennSU, Rutgers, KIM expected
how many other campuses would we want?
  good to have a few more
  Oregon State may be interested, Dedra will engage
    (note:  when Oregon State says "PSU" they mean Portland State ...)
  Colorado State another possibility
AI for all:  reach out to potential interested parties
  asking for serious commitments for Feb-March evals
  RLBob:  may be UWash interest, will ask
expectation from Rutgers/PSU/KIM participants is not neutrality
  but providing insight, honest look at plusses/minuses
time commitments, meeting frequencies
  one hour a week will not do it
  maybe one large-team call plus more subteam calls
first step is to get solid criteria established, at least for id-match
  important to not take strictly single-institution view

non-technical requirements, jasig adoption criteria (Benn's discussion material)
  maybe not urgent right now

Benn:  initial OpenEMPI product look:

  oriented to patient records
  Java, Apache2
  appears to have some adoption
  activity of development community not clear
  have not made contact yet
has configurable attribute set, hidden assumptions from patient orientation unknown