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This information is deprecated. It has been moved to the REFEDS Schema Board wiki: https://wiki.refeds.org/display/STAN/eduPerson |
Welcome to the Internet2 MACE-Directories Working Group wiki
- eduPerson/eduOrg LDIFs
- Draft: eduPersonAssurance
- Topic List - View items that the Working Group was considering in 2007
- Migrations from Sun DS and-or Sun IAM
- Practices in Directory Groups from 2002
- eduPerson (201602)
- eduPerson (201310)
eduPerson (201203)- Officially published 23 April 2012
- ORCID: scholarly identity schema crafting
- eduCourse Role Definitions from IMS
- eduPersonAffiliation: Revised definition
- DRAFT: LDAP representations of Membership in Groups (201108)
- Social-to-SAML Identifiers for Social IdP organizations and usernames for their clients
- excerpt from LDAP RFC 2251 on attributes and attribute options
- Simple Cloud Identity Management-SCIM
- Non-Authoritative Sources Survey
- Working Group Meetings
- Work Items List