Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Canceled: The request was canceled by an administrator.
  • Error: An error occurred during vetting and no result could be determined.
  • Failed: The subject failed vetting.
  • Passed: The subject passed vetting.
  • PendingManual: The request requires administrator review. This result will cause Registry to send a notification to an administrator to take further action. If the system called by the Plugin will handle administrator review, PendingResult should be returned instead.
  • PendingResult: The request is pending on further action. This result will cause Registry to stop processing the request. In order to resume processing, the Plugin should take the following steps:
    1. Call VettingStep::resolve() with the appropriate results.
    2. Call VettingRequest::queue() with $requeue=true. Processing will resume (or complete) at the next run of VetJob.