Welcome to the 2022 ACAMP Unconference!
Dates: Dec. 8-9, 2022
Location: Denver, CO
We hope you have enjoyed CAMP at TechEX22. Content dedicated to identity and access management continues for 1.5 more days with Advance CAMP (ACAMP). ACAMP is an unconference, where participants develop the agenda at the beginning of the event. ACAMP then continues with as many as five breakout sessions per hour to discuss issues of interest to the international research and education identity and access management community. Each ACAMP session is documented by a group scribing process.
Unconferences are highly participatory gatherings where attendees use an amazingly fast and fun process to create an on-the-spot agenda that addresses the topics of greatest interest to them and then go to breakout sessions to dig into those topics. The motto is “everything is OK!” You can:
- Propose a topic if you want to pitch an idea, practice, or tool; or raise and delve into some problem. You don’t need to have the answers!
- Propose a topic for which you hope others can provide their expertise or experience.
- Coordinate (ahead of time or on the spot) with a group of attendees to use a session to get work done face to face.
- If you’d like to propose a merger, change, or amplification, put your sticky note on or next to someone else’s proposed topic, and the hosts will help facilitate those modifications.
- If there are more proposals than time slots, we typically work to combine some topics if it makes sense - the hosts will help with this.
- Wondering how to make the most out of ACAMP? Participate! Ask questions at the breakout sessions and assist with the collaborative scribing, which will help the community and also help you follow the content.
- Join in the fun! We haven't been together in the same room for a few years, and we are all excited about seeing each other and welcoming newcomers.
We thought we’d try something out this year that worked well during our remote-only ACAMP in 2021 - a place to put potential ACAMP topic proposals ahead of the start of ACAMP. An online parking lot of ideas that’s available before the in-room parking lot is created on a flip chart in the ACAMP meeting room.
You are welcome to add a topic to the Online Parking Lot.
ACAMP Unconference Program
Please see below for our ACAMP unconference schedule (Dec 8 - 9, 2022).
The program for the CAMP portion of the meeting (Dec 6 - 8, 2022) and a link to register can be found here.
(All time ranges listed U.S. Mountain Time and Central European Summer Time - please adjust accordingly for your time zone).