Versions Compared


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Include Page

There is an effort in Grouper v2.6 (unsure of exact build number) to have a OpenAPI/Swagger representation of the Grouper Web Service API.  This a work in progress.

We are using Swagger 1.5.3 (which is OAS 2).  Note the later version did not work as well.

Children Display

Access OpenAPI

There is a demo server static version.  The swagger JSON is here:

Each WS deployment can have has its own Swagger page, put "docs" path after the context after the domain, e.g. http://localhost:8400/grouper-ws/docs


ParamSample valueDescription
GROUPER_OPENAPI_TITLEMy institution's group service web servicesTitle at top of swagger page
GROUPER_OPENAPI_BASEURLhttps://server.institution.eduBase URL for WS
GROUPER_OPENAPI_DESCRIPTION_SUFFIXContact OIT to get a credential for the WS.  Pass the user/pass in the HTTP basic auth header.More info in the description of the page

Grouper developer notes: build a new swagger file

Maven compile with swagger:generate the WS which will create a new webapp/docs/index.json file

Code Block
mvn -f grouper-ws/grouper-ws clean compile swagger:generate

[INFO] --- swagger-maven-plugin:3.1.8:generate (default) @ grouper-ws ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Grouper developer notes: setup the dependencies and pom

Import annotations into WS

Code Block

Generate the swagger file on build

Code Block
                                <title>Grouper Web Services</title>
                                <description>Grouper Web Service operations.  Substitute vX_Y_AAA with the client version, e.g. v2_6_001.  Note: the base URL and authentication are institution specific.</description>
          <!--  plugin>
          </plugin -->

Copy the Swagger UI to the WS

swagger-ui-3.52.3\dist → webapp/docs.  Edit the index.html to take out "try now" since authn etc is an issue

Code Block
    const DisableTryItOutPlugin = function() {
      return {
        statePlugins: {
          spec: {
            wrapSelectors: {
              allowTryItOutFor: () => () => false


        plugins: [
          SwaggerUIBundle.plugins.DownloadUrl, DisableTryItOutPlugin

Grouper developer notes: add OpenAPI documentation to a WS operation


Code Block
@ApiModel(description = "Request body to find groups")
public class WsRestFindGroupsRequestWrapper {

  private WsRestFindGroupsRequest wsRestFindGroupsRequest;
  @ApiModelProperty(name = "WsRestFindGroupsRequest", value = "Identifies the request as a findGroups request")
  public WsRestFindGroupsRequest getWsRestFindGroupsRequest() {
    return wsRestFindGroupsRequest;
  public void setWsRestFindGroupsRequest(WsRestFindGroupsRequest wsRestFindGroupsRequest1) {
    wsRestFindGroupsRequest = wsRestFindGroupsRequest1;


Code Block
@ApiModel(description = "Response body when a findGroups is successful")
public class WsFindGroupsResultsWrapper {
  private WsFindGroupsResults wsFindGroupsResults;

  @ApiModelProperty(name = "WsFindGroupsResults", value = "Identifies the response for findGroups")
  public WsFindGroupsResults getWsFindGroupsResults() {
    return wsFindGroupsResults;
  public void setWsFindGroupsResults(WsFindGroupsResults wsFindGroupsResults) {
    this.wsFindGroupsResults = wsFindGroupsResults;


Code Block
@ApiModel(description = "Response body when not successful contains error message and metadata")
public class WsFindGroupsResultsWrapperError {
  private WsResultsError wsFindGroupsResults;

  @ApiModelProperty(name = "WsFindGroupsResults", value = "Identifies the response for findGroups")
  public WsResultsError getWsFindGroupsResults() {
    return wsFindGroupsResults;
  public void setWsFindGroupsResults(WsResultsError wsFindGroupsResults1) {
    this.wsFindGroupsResults = wsFindGroupsResults1;


Code Block
  @Path("/grouper-ws/servicesRest/vX_Y_0ZA/groups")   @ApiOperation(httpMethod = "POST", value = "Find groups", nickname = "findGroups", response = WsFindGroupsResultsWrapper.class,
      notes = "<b>Sample 1</b>: Find by substring in a folder<br /><pre>POST /grouper-ws/servicesRest/v2_6_001/groups<br />"
          + "{<br>  "WsRestFindGroupsRequest":{<br>    "wsQueryFilter":{<br>      "queryFilterType":"FIND_BY_GROUP_NAME_APPROXIMATE",<br>      "stemName":"aStem",<br>      "groupName":"aGr"<br>    }<br>  }<br>}</pre>") 
  @ApiResponses({@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "SUCCESS", response = WsFindGroupsResultsWrapper.class),
                @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "INVALID_QUERY", response = WsFindGroupsResultsWrapperError.class),
                @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "STEM_NOT_FOUND", response = WsFindGroupsResultsWrapperError.class),
                @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "EXCEPTION", response = WsFindGroupsResultsWrapperError.class)})
    @ApiImplicitParam(required = true, dataType = "", paramType = "body")})
  public static WsFindGroupsResults findGroups(GrouperVersion clientVersion,


Code Block
@ApiModel(description = "Request body to find groups")
public class WsRestFindGroupsRequestWrapper {


Code Block
  @ApiModelProperty(value = "Integer ID for object", example = "12345")
  public String getIdIndex() {
