Versions Compared


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This will assume that you have disabled other environment variable enabled methods of authentication and that you are building your own local docker image for deployment as per Install the Grouper v2.5 container with maturity level 1 manually.

  1. Create a directory for your docker overlay and create the directory slashRoot inside it.
  2. Create a Dockerfile with at least the following contents.


    FROM i2incommon/grouper:${GROUPER_VERSION}

    # Need to install CAS so it can be used at the Apache server level
    RUN yum -y install mod_auth_cas

    # this will overlay all the files from /opt/grouperContainer/slashRoot on to /
    COPY slashRoot /

    RUN chown -R tomcat:tomcat /opt/grouper \
    && chown -R tomcat:tomcat /opt/tomee

  3. Add the files below under slashRoot:
    1. /etc/httpd/conf.d/auth_cas.conf.cas

      Code Block
      CASCookiePath /var/cache/httpd/mod_auth_cas/
      CASLoginURL https://__CAS_HOST_NAME__/cas/login
      CASValidateURL https://__CAS_HOST_NAME__/cas/serviceValidate
      CASRootProxiedAs https://__GROUPER_UI_HOST_NAME__
      #CASDebug On
      CASVersion 2
      <Location /grouper>
        Authtype CAS
        require valid-user

    2. /usr/local/bin/
      1. This hook script only installs the CAS filter in the apache layer when running the UI.  It copies the file above over the default installed by yum, and then replaces the placeholder text with environment variables.

    3. Code Block
      # called at the beginning of the container startup
      # after logging is setup
      # grouperScriptHooks_prepConfPost() {
      #	return
      # }
      # called after the component command has been prepped
      # grouperScriptHooks_prepComponentPost() {
      # 	return
      # }
      # called after the finishPrep is called before the setupFiles
      # grouperScriptHooks_finishPrepPost() {
      # 	return
      # }
      # called after the setupFiles functions is called, almost before the process starts
      grouperScriptHooks_setupFilesPost() {
        echo "RUNNING CUSTOM grouperScriptHooks_setupFilesPost: GROUPER_UI=$GROUPER_UI"
        if [ "$GROUPER_UI" = "true" ]; then
          # Install needed CAS configuration
          cp -v /etc/httpd/conf.d/auth_cas.conf.cas /etc/httpd/conf.d/auth_cas.conf
          # Populate with this instance's hostnames
          sed -i "s|__CAS_HOST_NAME__|$CUSTOM_CAS_HOST_NAME|g"               /etc/httpd/conf.d/auth_cas.conf
          sed -i "s|__GROUPER_UI_HOST_NAME__|$GROUPER_APACHE_SERVER_NAME|g"  /etc/httpd/conf.d/auth_cas.conf
          echo "Enabled CAS Authentication Using CAS_HOST_NAME=$CUSTOM_CAS_HOST_NAME"
      # called after the chown at end of setupFiles, right before the process starts
      # grouperScriptHooks_setupFilesPostChown() {
      # 	return
      # }
      # export everything
      export -f grouperScriptHooks_setupFilesPost

  4. Either in your dockerfile with ENV commands or upon startup of your container, set the following environment variables:

    1. GROUPER_APACHE_SERVER_NAME : host name (no scheme or path) of the server.  Will be used in the Apache ServerName directive and to build the service URL used for redirects back from CAS.
    2. CUSTOM_CAS_HOST_NAME : host name (no scheme or path) of the CAS server.
  5. You will also likely want to set GROUPERUI_LOGOUT_REDIRECTTOURL to http://${CUSTOM_CAS_HOST_NAME}/cas/logout
  6. Build and tag your docker image and then run as per the install instruction page linked above.  As with the other authentication methods, you should be able to see that the user ID from CAS has been proxied through by turning on logging by adding the below to your file. = DEBUG
