Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin

Note: Carefully review and test all scripts in a test environment before running in prod.  You are liable for scripts that you run.

Assign group memberships and privileges like another user

If you want to add a user to all the groups another user is in, you can generate GSH scripts via SQL.  Note, this is an oracle script, for mysql you will need to change the || to "concat()".  Also, the pagesize and linesize settings are oracle specific.  You can omit or replace for other dbs.  This will work for 1.4 and 1.5

Group memberships (note, adjust "someExistingSubjectId", and "someNewSubjectId"):

Code Block
set pagesize 10000
set linesize 1000

select 'addMember("' || gmv.GROUP_NAME || '", "someNewSubjectId", FieldFinder.find("' || gmv.LIST_NAME || '"));'  as command
from grouper_memberships_v gmv
where gmv.subject_id = 'someExistingSubjectId'
 AND gmv.membership_TYPE = 'immediate'
 and list_type = 'list';

Take the output of that, which looks like this:

Code Block
addMember("test:stem:whatever:group", "someNewSubjectId", FieldFinder.find("members"));
addMember("school:hey:there:folder:group2", "someNewSubjectId", FieldFinder.find("members"));

Put that in a file called script.txt, and should put this at the top:   GrouperSession.startRootSession();

Then run like this: script.txt

For group privileges, adjust for subjectIds and run this query (again, for mysql, use concat instead of ||):

Code Block
select 'grantPriv("' || gmv.GROUP_NAME || '", "someNewSubjectId", ' || gmv.list_name || ');'  as command
from grouper_memberships_v gmv
where gmv.subject_id = 'someExistingSubjectId'
 AND gmv.membership_TYPE = 'immediate'
 and list_type = 'access';

Put the output in a script file, and add these lines to the top:

Code Block
readers = AccessPrivilege.READ;
updaters = AccessPrivilege.UPDATE;
admins = AccessPrivilege.ADMIN;
viewers = AccessPrivilege.VIEW;
optins = AccessPrivilege.OPTIN;
optouts = AccessPrivilege.OPTOUT;

grantPriv("test:stem:whatever:group1", "someNewSubjectId", viewers);
grantPriv("test:stem:whatever:group2", "someNewSubjectId", viewers);
grantPriv("test:stem:whatever:group3", "someNewSubjectId", readers);
grantPriv("test:stem:whatever:group4", "someNewSubjectId", viewers);

Run the script like this: script.txt

For stem privileges adjust for subjectIds and run this query (again, for mysql, use concat instead of ||):

Code Block
select 'grantPriv("' || gmv.STEM_NAME || '", "someNewSubjectId", ' || gmv.list_name || ');'  as command
from grouper_memberships_v gmv
where gmv.subject_id = 'someExistingSubjectId'
 AND gmv.membership_TYPE = 'immediate'
 and list_type = 'naming';

Put the output in a script file, and add these lines to the top:

Code Block

creators = NamingPrivilege.CREATE;
stemmers = NamingPrivilege.STEM;

grantPriv("test:stem:whatever:stem1", "someNewSubjectId", creators);
grantPriv("test:stem:whatever:stem2", "someNewSubjectId", creators);
grantPriv("test:stem:whatever:stem3", "someNewSubjectId", creators);

Run the script like this: script.txt

Delete an attribute by deleting all assignments of attribute

Note, the long for loop needs all text on one line.  This was run on Grouper 1.4

Code Block
Using GROUPER_HOME:           C:\mchyzer\isc\dev\grouper_v1_4\grouper\bin\..
Using GROUPER_CONF:           C:\mchyzer\isc\dev\grouper_v1_4\grouper\bin\../conf
Using JAVA:                   "c:\dev_inst\java/bin/java"
using MEMORY:                 64m-512m
Type help() for instructions
gsh 0% typeAdd("testType");
type: 'testType'
gsh 2% typeAddAttr("testType", "typeAttr", AccessPrivilege.READ, AccessPrivilege.ADMIN, false);
attribute: 'typeAttr'
gsh 3% groupAddType("test:test1", "testType")
gsh 5% setGroupAttr("test:test1", "typeAttr", "whatever")
gsh 7% groupAddType("test:test2", "testType")
gsh 9% setGroupAttr("test:test2", "typeAttr", "whatever2")
gsh 11% for(theGroup : GrouperDAOFactory.getFactory().getGroup().findAllByApproximateAttr("typeAttr", "%")) { System.out
.println(theGroup.getName()); theGroup.deleteAttribute("typeAttr");  }
gsh 12% typeDelField("testType", "typeAttr");

All groups that use groups as members

This will find all groups that use groups as members.  Useful for when you are deleting a stem and subgroups.  If the groups in the stem are used elsewhere, it will show the relationships (this works in grouper 1.4):

Code Block
select parent_name, gf.NAME , group_member.NAME member_name
from grouper_groups_v group_parent, grouper_groups_v group_member, grouper_memberships gm, grouper_members gmember, grouper_fields gf
where group_parent.GROUP_ID = gm.OWNER_ID and gm.member_id = gmember.ID
and gmember.SUBJECT_ID = group_member.GROUP_ID
and group_member.NAME like 'penn:community:employee:orgs:%'
and gf.ID = gm.FIELD_ID;