Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Steps needed to make a Grouper release

Final todo's

  • WS tests (DONE)
  • Look at jars not supposed to be there (from Chad) (DONE)
  • Once release ready: Tell packaging team to package it up
  • Chris and Emily to announce and update wiki
  • Emily check wiki make sure things are up to date
    • This week


For all the commits that can't be accounted for, ask the original committers to look into why they never got cherry-picked.

Changes in git

Check git to make sure all commits in 2.3 are in master branch (verify cherry-picks as above)

Edit all the README.txt files  

Edit all misc/ (Chris TODO)

Update Grouper specsheet software requirements page (Shilen)

Grouper client (Chris)

  • conf/grouper.client*.properties  grouperClient.webService.client.version = v2_4_000

Look for other occurrences of grouper.client*.properties and refresh them (should only be grouper API, wsSourceAdapter, subject)

Look for grouperClient.jar in SVN, and update it after build and copy to release server (should only be grouper API)

Grouper API

Grouper API

  • (Chris)
  • Make sure the subject jar up to date in api lib
  • Run the command line utility to code generate which jars/sizes/etc are expected: GrouperCheckconfig.main() (did this but do it again in final version)
  • Tag, build, get grouper client jar, but back in API, run GrouperCheckConfig, commit and push, tag again, build, and only take the API and put to release server

Grouper installer


Grouper UI

  • ) (Chris)

Grouper installer (Chris)

  • Documentation for getting jars for client and installer from maven and maybe download a properties file from gittranslate the Grouper UI text to French (our French partners have agreed to do this, as of discussion with Chris in Fall 2012)

Grouper WS

  • If there is a new minor version with changes to the wsdl, add a new source folder for that version, copy the coresoap *.javas over to it, refactor to change the package, change the build.xml to build a WSDL for that version.  Change GrouperService to be like a previous version but add new methods or change methods in it (DONE)
  • Make sure that there is no coresoap (package) in use in src/grouper_ws_v1_6, src/grouper_ws_v2_0, etc.  Take out all src/grouper_ws_vx_x except one, make sure they dont depend on each other (DONE)
  • Generate the wssec aar's and commit them (DONE)
  • Generate WSDLs and commit them (DONE)
  • Add src/grouper-ws_v2_4 to the source list of the Maven build-help plugin in grouper-ws/grouper-ws/pom.xml (DONE)

Search for the old version (e.g. 2.2.2 or 2_2_2 or 2_2_002) in all the files (Chris)

See which config files / jar files / ddl changed since last release, make sure there are entries in the change log. (do we do this anymore? Grouper changes v2.2)


Run API (SuiteDefault) JUnit tests (set true in all JUnit test includes in  Also run the Grouper Installer, it should end in success for the client connecting to the WS and you should be able to use the UI.

API JUnit Tests



OS X (10.6)






MySQL (with utf/bin collation table types)








  • MySQL windows
  • MySQL unix with case sensitive table names
  • Postgres
  • Oracle

    Code Block
    create role GrouperRole;
    GRANT connect, resource, CREATE view TO GrouperRole;
    CREATE USER groupertest IDENTIFIED BY <pass>;
    GRANT connect, resource, GrouperRole TO groupertest;

  • Hsql
