InCommon Steering
Committee Minutes - July 10, 2017
To join the Meeting:
- To join via phone :
- Dial +1.408.740.7256 , or +1.888.240.2560
- Enter Conference ID : 409919239
Information Items
- Dennis and Ann to present on attribute release to the registrar community at AACRAO Tech on July 10.
- Working Group Participants (Stakeholder Roles) - Appendix D at bottom of document
Attending: Dee Childs, Sean Reynolds, Michael Gettes, Ted Hanss, Celeste Schwartz, Dave Vernon, Pankaj Shah, Michele Norin, Klara Jelinkova
With: Kevin Morooney, Brett Bieber, Mark Scheible, Steve Zoppi, Ken Klingenstein, Steve Zoppi
Action Items
(AI) Steering members to review the current consultation on Baseline Practices implementation for discussion at the August 7 Steering meeting.
Minutes from the June 19, 2017, meeting were approved via the wiki.
Community Webinar
There has been discussion about Steering conducting a community webinar to report on InCommon’s progress since the fee increase. Another option would be a broader webinar on Internet2 trust and identity, with the InCommon information as one part of that. There was also discussion about the best timing for such a webinar.
After discussion, the consensus is to hold a community webinar on the broader theme of trust and identity. This would be promoted in the usual ways (email lists) but also to CIOs. In addition, it was recommended to produce printed collateral to provide for CIOs that cannot make the webinar (and for future use). The consensus was also to hold the webinar sometime between mid-September and early October.
Communications to new Internet2 CEO
The Trust and Identity PAG sent a letter to Howard Peffer, the new Internet2 CEO, outlining the key considerations for Trust and Identity. Kevin will share that communication with InCommon Steering
Baseline Expectation Implementation
Brett Bieber provided an overview of the AAC’s draft implementation plan for Baseline Expectations. A community consultation on the implementation plan is open through mid-August, and the July 19 IAM Online will feature a discussion of both the Baseline Expectations and the draft implementation plan. It is important that Steering members review the implementation plan and provide any feedback and/or raise any concerns prior to the closing of the consultation.
The August Steering meeting will take place prior to the closing of the consultation; a discussion of the draft implementation plan will be the top item on the agenda.
OpenID Connect Survey Working Group Final Report
Mark Scheible reviewed a summary of the OpenID Connect (OIDC) Survey Working Group’s final report. The survey found that OIDC and OAuth are being implemented at some campuses. Three trends are driving OIDC and OAuth: adoption of API-centric architecture, mobile applications, and Software as a Service platform integration. In addition, Google and Microsoft Azure are building service catalogs based on this technology.
One of the key points in the survey is that InCommon/Internet2 need to get out in front of this trend, with both federation-related efforts (already underway in Europe) and with OIDC/OAuth support built into the TIER components. The TAC has constituted a follow-on working group to continue work in this area.
Attributes for Collaboration and Federation Working Group Update
Mark Scheible provided an update of the Attributes for Collaboration and Federation Working Group that is forming. This group’s membership will include representation from various roles, and there is a need to increase the candidate pool. Steering members are asked to review the needed roles and candidates and add to the list.
Scalable Consent
This will be on the agenda in August.