
Identity proofing is the process by which an IdPO or its designated Registration Authority (RA) or Registration Authorities associate a particular physical person with an existing Identity information record in the IdPO's IdMS database, or obtains and verifies the personal information required to create a new record for that physical person.

AACRO AACRAO definition:

"Identity proofing" is the act of verifying the physical identity of a person -- for example, by using photo identification -- and ensuring that information on the ID (e.g., address) corresponds to that in the vetted identity dossier.  "Credential binding" is the process of extablishing two further crucial links: One between a specific known physical person and a digital credential (today, most institutions rely on a single credential pair:  user name and password) and theo other between the digital credential and the identity dossier. -- from AACRAO article.  
