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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin

This document describes the strategy for parsing and generating XHTML, XML, JSON for Grouper WS Lite / REST


There is a custom automatic converter for the parsing and generation of XHTML.  If we want to eventually support XML / JSON / whatever, we can plug that in.  The parsing is very flexible, and will give warnings if things are not as expected (e.g. unexpected element / attribute).  It is also possible to hose the parser (e.g. send the wrong type for a field).  We can also add strict mode if we like so that invalid input (though preparing for WS upgrades) will be ok (e.g. unexpected element name or missing a required attribute).

For XML the same beans are translated with default XStream.

For JSON the same beans are translated with default XStream and Jettison. 


The server needs to know the request and response content type.  If sending data in the request, if it is not HTTP params, then set the Content-type http header.  Must be one of the content types specified in the javadoc for the enum WsLiteRequestContentType.  Currently the valid values are: application/xhtml+xml, text/xml, text/x-json, and for http params (either dont set content type or set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded).

The response content type will be the same as the request content type.  If the request content type is http params (null or form encoded), then the response will be whatever is specified in the, and it defaults to xhtml.  If the client wants to override this decision (to either get a different content type than was requested, or to specify a different than the one specified in the, then it can be placed in the url.

e.g. here is a url where the content type is the same as request or what is configured in http://localhost/grouper-ws/servicesLite/v3_0_000/group/a:b

e.g. here is a url where the request is an http param request, and the configured response content type is xhtml, but the client wants xml: http://localhost/grouper-ws/servicesLite/*xml*/v3_0_000/group/a:b?includeGroupDetail=T


When working with the XHTML, please prepare for upgrades on the server.  e.g. when parsing assume there might be different types of elements, new attributes, etc.  If there is something not expected, then probably ignore it (unless something is badly malformed or something).  Assume that things will be added to the service, and not changed or removed (unless there is a drastic upgrade).  Also, the XML/XHTML/JSON is not indented, though this shouldnt matter.  The XHTML should be valid based on the strict doctype (can validate from  The XML and JSON should obviously be valid

Mapping of Java Object to XHTML

The objects used for the Grouper SOAP / XML-HTTP web service will be used for this web service also (though they dont have to be), it supports beans based on javabean properties (read / getters, write / setters). It supports only:
 1. String fields
 2. int fields
 3. String arrays
 4. int arrays
 5. Bean fields
 6. Bean arrays
 7. Will not work with circular references
 Will throw exception if something is not right... Does not support any other structures.  Inheritance is not supported.  Use the objects WsXhtmlOutputConverter, and WsXhtmlInputConverter once and throw away.

Each Object will be written to a div or li (if in list).  Each scalar (currently only Strings or ints) will be written to p tags or li tags for lists.  Each array will be a ul with li's for each item.  Each div (except the root), p, and ul will have a "class" attribute of the fieldName.  Each div and li (which is a bean and not scalar) will have a "title" attribute which is the simple name of the java class (non-fully qualified).

Null and the empty string are interchangeable and are represented as an empty element <p /> 


For these three classes:

No Format
 * @author mchyzer
 * $Id$

public class BeanGrandparent {

  /** field 1 */
  private String field1;

  /** field 2*/
  private String field2;

  /** string array */
  private String[] stringArray;

  /** field */
  private BeanParent beanParent;

  /** field */
  private BeanParent[] beanParents;

   * empty
  public BeanGrandparent() {

   * @param _field1
   * @param _field2
   * @param _stringArray
   * @param _beanParent
   * @param _beanParents
  public BeanGrandparent(String _field1, String _field2, String[] _stringArray,
      BeanParent _beanParent, BeanParent[] _beanParents) {
    this.field1 = _field1;
    this.field2 = _field2;
    this.stringArray = _stringArray;
    this.beanParent = _beanParent;
    this.beanParents = _beanParents;

   * @return the field1
  public String getField1() {
    return this.field1;

   * @param _field1 the field1 to set
  public void setField1(String _field1) {
    this.field1 = _field1;

   * @return the field2
  public String getField2() {
    return this.field2;

   * @param _field2 the field2 to set
  public void setField2(String _field2) {
    this.field2 = _field2;

   * @return the stringArray
  public String[] getStringArray() {
    return this.stringArray;

   * @param _stringArray the stringArray to set
  public void setStringArray(String[] _stringArray) {
    this.stringArray = _stringArray;

   * @return the beanParent
  public BeanParent getBeanParent() {
    return this.beanParent;

   * @param _beanParent the beanParent to set
  public void setBeanParent(BeanParent _beanParent) {
    this.beanParent = _beanParent;

   * @return the beanParents
  public BeanParent[] getBeanParents() {
    return this.beanParents;

   * @param _beanParents the beanParents to set
  public void setBeanParents(BeanParent[] _beanParents) {
    this.beanParents = _beanParents;
No Format
 * @author mchyzer
 * $Id$

 * parent bean
public class BeanParent {
  /** field */
  private String parentField1;

  /** field */
  private String parentField2;

  /** field */
  private String[] parentStringArray;

  /** field */
  private int intField;

  /** ean child */
  private BeanChild beanChild;

  /** child */
  private BeanChild beanChild2;

  /** child */
  private BeanChild[] beanArray;

  /** child */
  private BeanChild[] beanArray2;

   * @return the parentField1
  public String getParentField1() {
    return this.parentField1;

   * @param _parentField1 the parentField1 to set
  public void setParentField1(String _parentField1) {
    this.parentField1 = _parentField1;

   * @return the parentField2
  public String getParentField2() {
    return this.parentField2;

   * @param _parentField2 the parentField2 to set
  public void setParentField2(String _parentField2) {
    this.parentField2 = _parentField2;

   * @return the parentStringArray
  public String[] getParentStringArray() {
    return this.parentStringArray;

   * @param _parentStringArray the parentStringArray to set
  public void setParentStringArray(String[] _parentStringArray) {
    this.parentStringArray = _parentStringArray;

   * empty
  public BeanParent() {

   * @param _parentField1
   * @param _parentField2
   * @param _parentStringArray
   * @param _intField
   * @param _beanChild
   * @param _beanChild2
   * @param _beanArray
   * @param _beanArray2
  public BeanParent(String _parentField1, String _parentField2, String[] _parentStringArray,
      int _intField, BeanChild _beanChild, BeanChild _beanChild2, BeanChild[] _beanArray,
      BeanChild[] _beanArray2) {
    this.parentField1 = _parentField1;
    this.parentField2 = _parentField2;
    this.parentStringArray = _parentStringArray;
    this.intField = _intField;
    this.beanChild = _beanChild;
    this.beanChild2 = _beanChild2;
    this.beanArray = _beanArray;
    this.beanArray2 = _beanArray2;

   * @return the intField
  public int getIntField() {
    return this.intField;

   * @param _intField the intField to set
  public void setIntField(int _intField) {
    this.intField = _intField;

   * @return the beanChild
  public BeanChild getBeanChild() {
    return this.beanChild;

   * @param _beanChild the beanChild to set
  public void setBeanChild(BeanChild _beanChild) {
    this.beanChild = _beanChild;

   * @return the beanChild2
  public BeanChild getBeanChild2() {
    return this.beanChild2;

   * @param _beanChild2 the beanChild2 to set
  public void setBeanChild2(BeanChild _beanChild2) {
    this.beanChild2 = _beanChild2;

   * @return the beanArray
  public BeanChild[] getBeanArray() {
    return this.beanArray;

   * @param _beanArray the beanArray to set
  public void setBeanArray(BeanChild[] _beanArray) {
    this.beanArray = _beanArray;

   * @return the beanArray2
  public BeanChild[] getBeanArray2() {
    return this.beanArray2;

   * @param _beanArray2 the beanArray2 to set
  public void setBeanArray2(BeanChild[] _beanArray2) {
    this.beanArray2 = _beanArray2;

No Format
 * @author mchyzer
 * $Id$

 * child bean
public class BeanChild {
  /** field */
  private String childField1;

  /** field */
  private String childField2;

  /** field */
  private String[] childStringArray;

  /** int array */
  private int[] childIntegerArray;

   * empty
  public BeanChild() {

   * @param _childField1
   * @param _childField2
   * @param _childStringArray
   * @param _childIntegerArray
  public BeanChild(String _childField1, String _childField2, String[] _childStringArray,
      int[] _childIntegerArray) {
    this.childField1 = _childField1;
    this.childField2 = _childField2;
    this.childStringArray = _childStringArray;
    this.childIntegerArray = _childIntegerArray;

   * field
   * @return the childField1
  public String getChildField1() {
    return this.childField1;

   * field
   * @param _childField1 the childField1 to set
  public void setChildField1(String _childField1) {
    this.childField1 = _childField1;

   * field
   * @return the childField2
  public String getChildField2() {
    return this.childField2;

   * field
   * @param _childField2 the childField2 to set
  public void setChildField2(String _childField2) {
    this.childField2 = _childField2;

   * field
   * @return the childStringArray
  public String[] getChildStringArray() {
    return this.childStringArray;

   * field
   * @param _childStringArray the childStringArray to set
  public void setChildStringArray(String[] _childStringArray) {
    this.childStringArray = _childStringArray;

   * field
   * @return the childIntegerArray
  public int[] getChildIntegerArray() {
    return this.childIntegerArray;

   * field
   * @param _childIntegerArray the childIntegerArray to set
  public void setChildIntegerArray(int[] _childIntegerArray) {
    this.childIntegerArray = _childIntegerArray;

and for this code:

No Format
BeanChild beanChild = new BeanChild("va<l1", "val2", new String[]{"a"}, new int[]{1, 2});
    BeanParent beanParent = new BeanParent("qwe", "rtyu", new String[]{ "uio", "cv"}, 45,
        null, beanChild, null, new BeanChild[]{beanChild});

    BeanGrandparent beanGrandparent = new BeanGrandparent("xv", "",
        new String[]{null},beanParent, new BeanParent[]{beanParent, beanParent} );

It will generate this XHTML:

No Format
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <title>the title</title>
    <div title="BeanGrandparent">
      <p class="field1">xv</p>
      <p class="field2" />
      <ul class="stringArray">
        <li />
      <div class="beanParent" title="BeanParent">
        <p class="parentField1">qwe</p>
        <p class="parentField2">rtyu</p>
        <ul class="parentStringArray">
        <p class="intField">45</p>
        <div class="beanChild" title="BeanChild" />
        <div class="beanChild2" title="BeanChild">
          <p class="childField1">va&lt;l1</p>
          <p class="childField2">val2</p>
          <ul class="childStringArray">
          <ul class="childIntegerArray">
        <ul class="beanArray2">
          <li title="BeanChild">
            <p class="childField1">va&lt;l1</p>
            <p class="childField2">val2</p>
            <ul class="childStringArray">
            <ul class="childIntegerArray">
      <ul class="beanParents">
        <li title="BeanParent">
          <p class="parentField1">qwe</p>
          <p class="parentField2">rtyu</p>
          <ul class="parentStringArray">
          <p class="intField">45</p>
          <div class="beanChild" title="BeanChild" />
          <div class="beanChild2" title="BeanChild">
            <p class="childField1">va&lt;l1</p>
            <p class="childField2">val2</p>
            <ul class="childStringArray">
            <ul class="childIntegerArray">
          <ul class="beanArray2">
            <li title="BeanChild">
              <p class="childField1">va&lt;l1</p>
              <p class="childField2">val2</p>
              <ul class="childStringArray">
              <ul class="childIntegerArray">
        <li title="BeanParent">
          <p class="parentField1">qwe</p>
          <p class="parentField2">rtyu</p>
          <ul class="parentStringArray">
          <p class="intField">45</p>
          <div class="beanChild" title="BeanChild" />
          <div class="beanChild2" title="BeanChild">
            <p class="childField1">va&lt;l1</p>
            <p class="childField2">val2</p>
            <ul class="childStringArray">
            <ul class="childIntegerArray">
          <ul class="beanArray2">
            <li title="BeanChild">
              <p class="childField1">va&lt;l1</p>
              <p class="childField2">val2</p>
              <ul class="childStringArray">
              <ul class="childIntegerArray">

It generates this XML:

No Format
    <null />

 And it generates this JSON:

No Format

Warnings example

 Here is INVALID MARKUP, (extra attribute, and extra element) but it is successfully parsed and here is the warning that the web service will produce in the response back to the client (though the request will still succeed if everything else is ok)

No Format
<div title=" BeanChild " id=" something">
  <p class="childField1">va&lt;l1</p>
  <p class="childField2">val2</p>
  <ul class="childStringArray">
  <ul class="childIntegerArray">


No Format
Element 'div' is not expecting attribute: 'id'
Element 'div' is not expecting child element: 'span'