- Created by Drew Aschenbrener, last modified by Albert Wu (internet2.edu) on Jan 10, 2022
Work Products
- Detailed plans and materials with which to conduct each exercise.
- Conduct of the exercises.
- Compilation of lessons learned from each exercise.
- Final report of methodology, key metrics, and key outcomes for each exercise, and overall lessons learned.
Resources and References
Operational support in conduct of exercises as may be requested of and agreed by InCommon staff, eg, outreach to prospective exercise participants.
- Working Group Google folder
- eduGAIN Security Incident Response Handbook v1.0:
- AARC security incident response tabletop exercise reports
- AARC SIRTFI training course
Chairs and Sponsor
Co-Chair: David Bantz, Kyle Lewis
About the SIRTFI Exercise Working Group
The SIRTFI Exercise Working Group prepares members of the InCommon Federation community to handle a federated security incident by conducting one or more tabletop exercises to simulate aspects of responding to the real thing. Exercises are aimed to be learning opportunities, increasing familiarity with and shared understanding of key concepts and practices in the SIRTFI framework.
The SIRTFI Exercise Working Group is chartered by the InCommon Community Trust and Assurance Board.
Mailing List
Join the SIRTFI Exercise WG Mailing List. Email incommonsympa@incommon.org with the subject line:
Subscribe sepwg [Firstname] [Lastname]
or visit:
Meeting Details
The working group meets every other Tuesday, starting January 11, 2022, at 5PM CET | 11AM ET | 8AM PT
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 984 3734 1038
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Recent space activity
2025 InCommon Cybersecurity Exercise Information created Jul 12, 2022
SIRTFI Exercise Working Group created Nov 05, 2021
Space contributors
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