The Per-Entity Metadata Working Group developed criteria and a roadmap for the deployment of per-entity metadata distribution within InCommon. Membership was open to all interested parties. See Per-Entity Metadata Working Group Charter for a complete description.

Working Group Chair: Scott Koranda
Working Group Flywheel
: David Walker
Email list:
Email list archives:

Call Schedule: The calls for this working group were 10:00 AM (America/New York) weekly on Wednesdays.

Final Report

The final report produced by the working group is available here. It was accepted by the InCommon TAC on January 5, 2017, and by the InCommon Steering Committee on January 9, 2017.

Community Review

A community consultation of the working group's report was conducted between November 21, 2016 and December 5, 2016. The results of that consultation are available in Consultation for the Per-Entity Metadata Working Group Final Report.


The agenda and notes for each call were live-scribed using the free (as in beer) and open source EtherPad service hosted by Mozilla at You will find the link for each call's agenda/notes at this wiki. When each call finishes the notes will be exported in both EtherPad and HTML formats and attached to this wiki for later reference.

Past Calls

Draft Working Documents

Related Resources

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