
In attendance:
Jeff Bartig, Eric Boyd, Cort Buffington, Matt Davy, Jose Domingues, David Farmer, Mark Johnson, Michael Lambert, John Moore, Bill Owens, Dave Pokorny, Ana Preston, Linda Roos, Paul Schopis, Jeff Schiller, Rick Summerhill, Rob Vietzke, Steve Wallace, David Wood, Matt Zekauskas

Action Items:
1.    Paul will send the member expectations document, the NAG report and a letter to Jeff and Tracey indicating the willingness of the NTAC to provide technical assistance to the new councils.
2.    Paul will send the member expectations document, the NAG report and a letter to Steve Hall (GNC chair) indicating the willingness of the NTAC to provide technical assistance to the new councils.
3.    The sub layer 3/circuits working group will hold their first call on June 19.  They will undertake an audit of the currently available sub layer 3 network services and make recommendations for additional services.
4.    Jose Domingues and David Farmer will work together to determine the needs of the Naval Observatory for NTP servers and engage the community in the project.
5.    The next call will be held July 3, 2007.

1.    Roster Call
2.    Agenda bash
3.    Internet2 network updates
4.    HOPI update
5.     Member Expectations Doc
6.    Circuits (Sub Layer 3) Working Group
7.    Naval Observatory NTP Server request
8.    Open Floor

1.    Internet2 network updates
The Salt Lake City router has been installed.  They are awaiting one cross connect to reach west coast and, at that point, will have coast to coast IP network running on the new network.  The path through CA and AZ will complete on time next week.  The Ciena scheduled installs will be finished this week.  The Ciena destined for Seattle is in lab for right now.  All but about 10 connectors have cut over to the new network.

At the April member meeting, they demonstrated crossing five different domains using control plane software.  Porting the software to the Cienas is going well and they continue to make good progress.

Steve Wallace
Exploring connecting to public peering in NY (third location for connectivity in public peering environment) and also pursuing fiber options to access that facility.   Have more than 2G of traffic on the service currently.

Will the peering networks remain the same or expand?  In new exchange, peer with current peers and also will expand; some entities will only peer if there are three peering points so this exchange point opens that door for those networks.

Have any new entities joined the service since the last update?  GPN has recently joined.

Is the peering being passed to the customers of the gigapop?  Steve indicated that is not something that we would typically know.  Cort volunteered that GPN has extended the service to Iowa and Kansas and Kansas almost immediately saw a 30% offload.

On the NOC page (noc.net.internet.edu), there is a link to the peering service.

HOPI Update
The HOPI and dynamic services efforts have been combined even though one is a testbed and the other is a persistent service.  There are two big projects currently.  One is the work on controlling the inside of network, including having all of the hooks necessary to get across HOPI and dynamic services.  The other project is that being done by the DICE group.  The DICE group had an excellent meeting last month.

Member Expectations Document
The original idea for having the document was to articulate role of the NTAC and what NTAC plans to deliver.  At the face-to-face in April, there was discussion regarding passing the document to the councils to help inform the future of the NTAC. The document doesn't articulate how voting for the chair occurs.  It was suggested that the election be announced well ahead of the meeting.  Paul suggested that nominations be opened during the call prior to the next face-to-face meeting and that voting occur at the next face-to-face meeting.  The NTAC adopted the member expectations document as written with the understanding that it is a living document and will reflect the changes to the NTAC as they occur. Ana suggested that the document be sent to Jeff Lehman and Tracey Futhey.  The group endorsed sending the document along with the document created by the NAG and a letter from the group indicating that the NTAC is will to serve as technical advisors to the councils.  Ana also suggested that the NTAC send the documents to the chair of the GNC and that was endorsed by the NTAC.

NTAC sub-layer 3 working group
John Moore, Jerry Sobieski and Cort Buffington prepared a document to describe the working group.  It was sent to the NTAC.  The group indicated that they will undertake two main activities during the next year. The first activity is to perform an audit and determine the state of the art of the services available.  They will report the results of the audit to the NTAC.  The other activity would be to make recommendations on new services to be offered over the new network.  They recommend devoting about six months to each task.  The audit portion of the group's work is probably not affected by the merger although the results of the audit could be important to the merged organization.  Discussion ensued regarding the length of time to devote to the audit.  It was agreed that six months is a reasonable amount of time to devote with the notion that the group would remain flexible to respond to the needs of the merged organization.  Paul suggested that, because the peering working group is on hold, the third Tuesday of the month (June 19 will be the next) could be used for the sub layer 3 working group.  John Moore suggested that the first order of business would be to find a good name for the group.

NTP Server
Paul mentioned that a request came from the Naval Observatory asking for the NTAC either individually or as a group deploy NTP servers.  Jose indicated that he had contacted the Naval Observatory and they have several requirements for the NTP servers including that they be connected to Internet2. Dave Farmer did some background checking and found that a number of the servers already deployed have access to Internet2.   Dave Farmer indicated that he would work with Jose Domingues to determine what is required by the Naval Observatory and to invite those interested in participating.

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