In attendance: Jeff Bartig, Bob Collie, David Crowe, Matt Davy, Chris Robb, Linda Roos, Steve Wallace, Caroline Weilhammer
1. Update from Internet2
2. Input on hardware selection
1. Update from Internet2
Steve mentioned that Internet2 has agreed to terms with Equinix in Ashburn and Internet2 is obtaining connectivity from MAX for McLean to Ashburn. Internet2 is working on temporary equipment choices for Ashburn that will work for the combined service.
Internet2 is working on upgrades for Seattle, Chicago and NYC.
2. Limelight using v6
Jeff mentioned that there was a discussion on v6 list indicating that Limelight has offered content delivery via v6. The discussion continued regarding whether Internet2 would peer with Limelight via v6. Netflix may be using Limelight for a project. Caren will check on locations that Limelight is using and will set it up, if possible.
3. Input on hardware selection
Jeff sent an email about hardware selection and he has seen only one follow-up. Internet2 wants to make a decision within the next week. Internet2 awaits pricing from one of the vendors. David Crowe has found the 7209 (filtering and RPF choices) has been limited while the MX has good feature and growth patterns. The final design for CPS/TR consolidation hasn't been completed and that complicates the hardware choice as Internet2 wants to buy equipment that will allow easy transition to a consolidated service.
TR and CPS are meeting once/week. CPS has shared under NDA the costs for CPS as well as the contracts. Dave Reese, in conjunction with Rob Vietzke are going to work on a first draft of a business plan. The business plan and an architectural design document will be sent to the Boards for approval. Hardware decisions are being made with all of this in mind.
Discussion ensued regarding the hardware choices. Those on the phone indicated that it is difficult to make recommendations regarding the hardware without an understanding of the long-term plan for CPS.
Jeff mentioned that the MX is the safest solution but pricing is an issue and asked if an MX could be purchased for the short-term. It was suggested that, if a different router is chosen for CPS/TR consolidated service ultimately, then an MX could perhaps be used in the Internet2 backbone in the future.