NTAC Peering and Routing
In attendance: Jeff Bartig, PJ Clayton, Cas D'Angelo, David Crowe, Dale Finkelson, John Hess, Dan Jortdt, Michael Lambert, Caren Litvanyi, Darrell Newcomb, Dave Pokorney, Chris Robb, Linda Roos, David Sinn, Shannon Spurling, Joe St Sauver, Scott Taylor, Steve Wallace
1. Update from Internet2 on peering
2. Update on CPS/TR consolidation implementation
3. Update on AOAC charge to review BTOP network design
1. Update from Internet2 on peering
Chris mentioned that there two significant events since the last call:
-World Cup ended so traffic decreased; the exchange point ports in Chicago were saturated during the event
-LEARN CPS trial ended and Internet2 awaits a response from LEARN regarding their user experiences
2. Update on CPS/TR consolidation implementation
Darrell Newcomb mentioned that some connectors are involved in transition trials and want to create a good process for that. Routers for TR-CPS build-out are part of the NTIA funding and we expect a definitive timeline for those purchases in the next couple of weeks. Darrell indicated that the group is looking at planning for fall taking into consideration the hardware acquisitions as well as current and future use of the network.
3. Update on AOAC charge to review BTOP network design
Jeff Bartig mentioned that there was a BoF held at JT last week. Chris Robb sent some slides for that BoF.
The AOAC has asked for a report on this project by the end of August, 2010. After the agreement with the NTIA is in progress, should have more information regarding layers 2 and 3 of the network.
The NTAC Peering and Routing has been asked to investigate:
How will 10G and 100G layer interoperate on the backbone?
What services will be supported at each of the locations?
Jeff would like to generate a list of what Internet2 has included in the grant proposal. Will this group look at a combined Internet2/NLR design? Steve Wallace asked if someone on the call associated with NLR could be a liaison from this group to NLR. Both Michael Lambert and Cas D'Angelo indicated that they are associated with NLR. They will ask if one of them could act as ambassador to NLR for this group. Steve mentioned that there are two significant partners in the building of the network---NLR and the Northern Tier Network Consortium (NTNC). There was a recommendation to make a formal request to the NTAC and to the AOAC asking that the engineering review groups be combined to look at a single layer 2/3 topology. Jeff will talk with John Moore regarding this.