NTAC Peering and Routing WG
Michael Lambert
David Crowe
Pete Seimsen
Skyler Beaty
Chris Spears
John HEss
Ryan Von
Tom Knoeller
Darrell Newcomb
Matt Zekauskas
PJ Clayton
Shannon Spurling
Jeff was not available for this meeting so Darrell handled the agenda.
Peering Update:
There continue to be upgrades on capacity to existing peers. Netflix is now a peer. At first in LA, with conservative ramp-in of traffic, though should grow over time as they build out infrastructure.
There is continued progress migrating connectors to the integrated TR-CPS network. The capacity added in January has supported many migrations. There is some pending activity, but overall movement is occurring.
Status on pending Transport/Capacity was distributed to mailing-list by Darrell prior to meeting and recapped briefly.
The Dallas node was deployed in June of last year. Usage has increased in the past weeks and continues to ramp-up.
- The site should see another round of build-out shortly.
- Contact Darrell if you have input on or interest in connections to Dallas.
Jeff Bartig sent out a note on Monday (20th) about the outage notifications. The GRNOC is proposing ceasing to send notifications of a BGP outage for entities that have more then one BGP session. Though they will of course continue to contact the tech rep for the session that goes down.
David Crowe:
Asked a question about other methods to see this sort of information. There were web pages noted in the email where this information could be found. The consensus was that this information needed to be sent out more broadly. The general thought was that its ok to stop the emails as long as there is a notification method that is well known, well understood and available to everyone.
Upon looking at them it was thought the calendars might not be the easiest way to present the information, something a little more accessible and clear would be nice. Perhaps just a one page summary that had coverage of all Internet2 calendars and the scrolling events now on the calendars with the current ones at the top.
David Crowe:
A list of todays / current events would be useful. Overall some work on the presentation method would be good.
As far as distributing the information about the web site, the NTAC and existing outages mailing list would be a good places to start. Perhaps it might go out to the connector lists as well.
It was thought it would be reasonable, if needed, to announce the change with pointers to resources while at the same time working on the updates of the presentation of information/web-calendars. 1+ month of lead-time is desired.
While this is a fairly narrow change in the process it was noted several times that even these sorts of outages can still be significant and the information about them useful.
6. SNAPP graphs available for TR/CPS
Now available at this URL: http://dc-snmp.wcc.grnoc.iu.edu/public-transitrail/
Interface graphing (via SNAPP) had been pending tools alteration to support redacting specific peer facing interfaces, thanks to the NOC for working toward this these past few years! This is to adhere to expectations and mutual agreement by a handful of 3rd party networks, though that is the exception rather than the norm where typically interface usage should be visible via this URL.
IPv6 prefix length
Darrell has had on his plate the production of a straw man for v6 prefix length documentation. He said he would begin to capture the ideas that have been being considered and present them prior to the next meeting.
Question about hot points:
For Backbone Links the cross country capacity is the most impacted and constrained at this point. The pending Southern path would be very helpful, with delivery expectations at this point are by end of March. Chicago and NY public exchange ports are also highly utilized. Upgrade in Chicago and Ashburn have contract prepared, pending execution. For New York the upgrade is in discussion with vendor.