Election Procedure for NTAC Vice Chair
The purpose of this document is to provide a framework for the election of the NTAC Vice Chair. It has been decided by the NTAC to have a light-weight procedure consistent with the voluntary and open nature of the NTAC itself. The goal of having an elected NTAC Vice Chair is to insure that the committee is community-led and works in a cooperative manner with Internet2 staff.  The person elected to serve as NTAC Vice Chair will serve in that capacity for one year and, on January 1 of the following year, will automatically become NTAC Chair.
1.    The election of the NTAC Vice Chair will occur at the fall Internet2 Member Meeting.
2.    The NTAC Chair will ask for Vice Chair nominations approximately one month prior to the fall Internet2 Member Meeting.
3.    Nominations shall be made via email to the NTAC Chair and the NTAC flywheel.
4.    The NTAC flywheel will contact each nominee and verify the nominee's willingness to serve.
5.    The list of nominees will posted to both the NTAC Wiki and the NTAC mailing list prior to the election.
6.    Anyone from the community may be a nominee, provided that the person is not currently serving as NTAC Chair and has served as Vice Chair and Chair each for no more than one previous term.
7.    All members in good standing are eligible to vote. To be considered to be a member in good standing, a member must have attended a combination of at least three monthly phone calls or face-to-face meetings in the past year.
8.    The vote will be taken by a simple show of hands of those present at the NTAC face-to-face meeting held at the fall Internet2 Member Meeting.
9.    A simple majority is required for election.
10.    In the event of a tie, there will be a run-off election of the two highest vote-receiving candidates immediately.
11.    In the event of a deadlock, the NTAC will decide how to proceed by simple majority vote.
12.    The elected Vice Chair will assume the office of Vice Chair on January 1 of the year following the election.
13.    The Vice Chair will automatically assume the office of Chair on January 1 of the following year.
Modified January 15, 2009 (Cort Buffington, Michael Lambert, John Moore, Paul Schopis)
Approved: March 3, 2009

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