NTAC Peering
August 18, 2009
In attendance: Jeff Bartig, Matt Davy, Caren Litvanyi, Marla Meehl, Chris Robb, Linda Roos, Steven Wallace
1. Update on CPS
2. Other topics
Meeting Notes
1. Update on CPS
Caren Litvanyi indicated that the connection to Ashburn is operational and we now have 20G of connectivity there. The new MX router was scheduled to be installed on August 18, 2009. Quite a few public peers have been configured in Ashburn and that site now has the most traffic of any peering point. In Ashburn, we are using a temporary switch (borrowed from IU). The final decision regarding a switch for the consolidated service has yet to be made and the IU switch is being used in the interim. We are seeing 5.5G peaks of inbound peering inbound in Ashburn. The traffic at NY PAIX decreased to 3.5G and the Chicago public peering has decreased. Overall, LA and Chi are now in good shape. In Seattle, we recently upgraded from 1G to 10G.
Some peers are being moved from public to pni.
Evaluation of the peering sites for the future is occurring. It is possible that we may need more room for pni in Ashburn than currently have contracted and we may need more bandwidth for pni in Chicago.
Stats are available on the internet2 NOC site.