Notes from the 6/26/2013 Cohortium Meeting

Date and Time

June 26, 2013, 2:00p-3:00p EDT

Agenda and Meeting Materials

2013-06-26 Cohortium Agenda


Action Items

  • David, Mike, and Steve will be creating Sympa lists and wiki spaces for the subgroups.


  • It's not too late to join subgroups, and joining multiple subgroups is OK.  Send requests to
  • Ken Klingenstein discussed recent developments in the Scalable Privacy (ScalePriv) Project.
    • CoCoA, a collaboration of Internet2 and SURFnet in the Netherlands, is being deployed as the collaboration infrastructure for ScalePriv.
    • Work is progressing on accessibility issues related to UMA and GPII.
    • Work is also progressing on a Privacy Manager to support informed consent for attribute release, leveraging earlier work on uApprove.
    • In general, ScalePriv has a growing reputation with the NSTIC. They like what we're doing, and have asked for us to provide assistance for other NSTIC projects.
    • The ScalePriv project is being re-factored to run over a 2.5-3 year time period.  This will not, however, affect the Cohortium's work schedule.
  • David Scuffham of Bradley University has written code to integrate Radius authentication into CAS.  It has some Bradley dependencies, but he's willing to make the code available.
  • At some point, we'll need to think about what type of repository we'll want for code artifacts.  Initially, we can use the wiki, but we should consider repositories designed for code objects, like GitHub.
  • We neglected to mention during the call that we'll be removing the connection information from the wiki in order to discourage "looky-loos."  We'll continue to send the connection information in electronic mail meeting announcements, and once we have better access control in place for the wiki, we'll restore it to a page restricted to Cohortium members.
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