Grouper Solutions to Access Management Use Cases

This page shows Grouper solutions to selected MACE-paccman access management use cases. An overview of Grouper's Access Management Features is available on the Grouper wiki.

  1. Course Deadline Extended
  2. Old and New Payroll Clerks
  3. Dorm Access for Residential Advisors
  4. Professional Organizations and Federations
  5. Drug Restocking Approval
  6. Delegated Directory Administration

Course Deadline Extended

A student in Dr. Schonfeld's Ordinary Differential Equations course is unable to attend the final exam due to an authorized absence (a death in her family). Professor Schonfeld has removed access in the LMS to her class notes for the prior semester's students, since the semester is at an end, but she makes an exception for the student at the request of the Dean, and grants her access to the course space in the LMS for an additional week in order to complete studying for the make-up exam. One week later, the student's access is automatically removed by the system.

Grouper Solution:

If you have courses in Grouper, you will have groups like this (students in a course for a term):

Group:      penn:community:student:course:2009C:AS:MATH:106:401:students

Here are some notes on getting courses in Grouper

There could be a role:

Role:        penn:community:student:course:2009C:AS:MATH:106:401:lmsUsers

The group of students could be assigned to the role.  The professor can unassign the group from the role, and put an assignment to the one user with an end date (disabled date) of one week from now.  Grouper will remove the role assignment at that time.  There could be permissions associated with the role as well, e.g. LOGIN (action), on the resource: penn:apps:lms:penn:community:studentResources:course:AS:MATH:106:401.  The LMS system could use that permission to see which areas of the LMS to allow the user to access.

Old and New Payroll Clerks

Gina, an administrative assistant in the Department of Chemistry, vacates her position in the department to take a new position in the Office of the Comptroller. Gina has been the department's payroll clerk for a number of years. The department chair chooses his executive assistant, Marcus, to take over as payroll clerk for the department. As payroll clerk, Marcus will need access to sensitive payroll information about non-exempt employees in the department, but will not need access to faculty salary information or student records. The department chair logs into an access management system and designates Marcus as the new payroll clerk for the Department of Chemistry. In so doing, he grants Marcus a collection of rights within various financial applications appropriate for a departmental payroll clerk in his department, and Gina (who is still employed by the university and still recognized by the authorization system as a user) has her payroll clerk privileges for the Chemistry department revoked. (Single authority identified organizational hierarchy grants multiple related privileges collected by role on multiple target resources to single subject and revokes mulitple related privileges collected by role on multiple target resources from single subject)

Grouper Solution:

Gina had been a payroll clerk in Chemistry.  The permission could have been:

Role:        penn:apps:payroll:roles:payrollUsers

In that role she might have been assigned:

Permission:  READ_NON_EXEMPT and WRITE_NON_EXEMPT (actions) on permission resource: penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:USCH:02XX:CHEB:CHEM:CHEM_rolluporg

For an example of keeping orgs in sync with Grouper, see this page.  Note, that link about keeping a Group org chart in sync, though Grouper can also keep org permission resources in sync, as is done at Penn for example.

If the department chair removes Gina from the role, then her permissions will also be revoked.

The department chair can grant those permissions to Marcus.

Dorm Access for Residential Advisers

For reasons of safety and security, access to student housing on the main campus of the university is tightly controlled. Dormitory doors are magnetically locked and protected with ID card readers wired to the university's "UniCard" system. Between 8am and 10pm daily, all student ID cards will open all exterior dormitory doors, but between 10pm and 8am, access is restricted to those students living in each dorm. Residential Advisers (RAs) constitute a special case, in that they require 24x7 access to multiple dorms within the residential quad in which they reside. When John encounters a family crisis and decides to take a mid-semester leave of absence, Residential Life arranges to make Richard the RA for the North Campus quad. Res Life staff identify Richard as an RA in their housing system, and based on information in the housing system regarding the location of his room on campus, a privileging system grants Richard 24x7 access not only to his own dormitory but also to the five other dormitories in his quad. When the Registrar places John on leave of absence in the registration system, the privileging system recognizes that his special access is no longer valid, and revokes his RA privileges.

Grouper Solution:

Role:        penn:residentialLife:apps:doors:roles:doorUser

this role could have members which are a composite of the

Group:        penn:residentialLife:apps:doors:roles:doorUserGroup


Group:      penn:community:active

So when a user is removed from the active person group, they will be removed from the doorUser role.  The doorUserGroup could have the group of all students living on campus.

Privilege resource:     penn:residentialLife:buildings:dorms:quad2:steinerHall

The privilege resources could have rollups so the quad implies all the resources of the five dorms in that quad.  A nightly job can load the permissions to the doorUser role based on the housing system.  So Mary would be automatically granted ACCESS (action) on penn:residentialLife:buildings:dorms with an additional time attribute: penn:residentialLife:apps:doors:attributes:timeConstraint_0800_2200 in the context of the doorUser role. 

And Mary could be assigned permission ACCESS (action) penn:residentialLife:buildings:dorms:quad2:steinerHall with an additional time permission limit: penn:residentialLife:apps:doors:attributes:timeConstraint_2200_0800. 

Grouper 2.0 WS/API/UI has a "PDP" where it will decide if the permissions and time components allow the access.  Or the system downloading the permissions needs to download limits on the permission assignments and take into account the time component.

Professional Organizations and Federations

A librarian at the college's main library agrees to proctor a survey on behalf of the American Library Association (ALA) of higher ed librarians. The survey seeks to gather information about successful and unsuccessful strategies for managing electronic periodical subscriptions. The survey is intended to target a specific audience - librarians within higher ed who are themselves members of the ALA. Membership in the ALA can only be authoritatively asserted by the ALA itself, while affiliation with colleges and universities can only be authoritatively asserted by those colleges and universities. Fortunately, the ALA is party to an identity federation in which hundreds of higher ed institutions participate. The ALA sets up a web-based survey application using federated SSO services that allows librarians working at institutions within the federation to authenticate through their "home" organizations and gain access to the web application. The web application subsequently determines whether to grant them access to the survey itself based on the status of their membership in the ALA (as determined by direct inspection of the ALA's membership roster).

Grouper Solution:

Make a list of schools as Groups, or as external subjects.  e.g.


penn:library:ala:roles:overall would have all the schools as members maintained by the loader and SQL to the ALA membership database.  When a user logs in, convert their SSO school name to the group/subject name, and see if that group/subject is a member of of the overall ALA role.  That role could have permissions attached like: penn:library:apps:alaSurvey:permisions:survey with an action of WRITE.

Drug Restocking Approval

Nurse Wilson notices during a routine inventory review that the Oncology ward's drug cabinet is running low on a particular anti-emetic drug. The anti-emetic is a scheduled substance, so her request to the Pharmacy for restocking requires approval by both her supervisor and an attending physician in Oncology. The Pharmacy system detects the approval requirement and routes the request to the head Oncology nurse, then to the on-call Oncologist for approval before filling the order.

Grouper Solution:

You would need a workflow forms application e.g. Kuali Rice, which uses the Rice-Grouper plugin to link the responsibilities needed with Grouper.  A loader job could associate the role penn:hospital:community:roles:oncology:headNurse with the HR system which knows who is the head nurse at a given time.  The routing of the form which is for oncology, and for the head nurse, would be dynamically decided based on the Grouper role, and KEW custom processor code.  Same for the on-call oncologist.

Delegated Directory Administration

Bill is one of three IT administrators in the Department of Chemistry within the College of Arts and Sciences. As part of his departmental duties, he manages both Windows-based desktops on faculty and graduate student desks and a cluster of Windows-based fileservers. His systems are all joined to an enterprise Active Directory domain which also incorporates user objects for all the university affiliates in the enterprise identity management system. Due to disk space exhaustion, Bill needs to relocate the home directories of roughly half of his faculty from their current fileserver to a new fileserver. He migrates the relevant data, and then needs to update attribute information in the enterprise AD regarding the path to his faculty members' home directories. His status as an IT admin in the department confers on him the ability to update the homeDirectory and homeDrive attributes for users in his departmental OU within the central AD, and he successfully updates his faculty members' information using standard Microsoft tools. Later, when Bill mistakenly attempts to update one of his faculty member's msExchgHomeServerName values, he is prevented from saving the change, since his rights as an IT administrator in the department do not extend to overriding the campus IDM systems' selection of an Exchange home server for his users. Still later, while Bill is vacationing in the Swiss Alps, his departmental fileserver is destroyed in a machine room mishap, and the faculty whose home directories were moved must be restored from tape to yet another server. In Bill's absence, Patrick, who works for the College's IT administration, is able to use his college-wide privileges as an IT admin to update the same homeDirectory and homeDrive attributes for Bill's faculty. When, upon his return from Switzerland, Bill takes a position as a departmental support manager in another department, his privileges regarding Chemistry faculty attributes are automatically revoked.

Grouper Solution:

Bill has the role: penn:isc:apps:ad:roles:itAdministrator.  In the context of that role, he has the permissions: updateHomeDirectory (action) on resource: penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:USCH:02XX:CHEB:CHEM:CHEM_rolluporg.  Bill also has the action: updateHomeDrive on that resource.  That resource might imply other sub orgs.

A Grouper Rule can be applied such that when Bill leaves his org as an active employee, he will lose the permissions of check rollup org, and maybe his itAdministrator role.   Since Patrick has updateHomeDrive and updateHomeDirectory (actions) on penn:community:employee:org:TOPU:UNIV:USCH:USCH_rollupOrg, that implies those actions on the lower orgs.

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