K20 Events at the Virtual Internet2 Member Meeting
October 2-5, 2001

Internet2 K20 Initiative: Linking Innovators in Advanced Networking

    * This session explored the recently announced Internet2 K20 Initiative. With Internet2's Sponsored Educational Group Participant program, entire state networks are becoming sponsored participants, allowing access to the Internet2 high-performance backbone. The Internet2 K20 Initiative will leverage advanced networking capabilities, extending and expanding them to the K20 audience through content, services, and application efforts. The goal is to bring innovators in K-12 schools, community colleges, colleges and universities, libraries, museums, and cultural institutions to the table as early as possible, finding ways to share ideas, results, technology, as broadly and as well as possible. Our aim is to do a better job of enabling not just the research, technology, and clinical communities, but also education, education research, arts, and cultural communities to explore and engage in programmatic opportunities with new technologies. We discussed the Initiative's efforts to date, our plans, and exchanged ideas among the session participants.
    * Watch the Session:  watch the session on RealPlayer  (01:04:59)


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