We followed a Kanban style work process. Each team would pull an item from the backlog and work on it. Details are below.
Set Up and Group Workflow
- We set up a Scrum / Kanban style board for the conference work. The board had 4 categories/columns: Backlog, Doing, Revisit, Done
- We built the backlog by having someone explain each item as it went into the backlog
- Groups were divided into four tables. An ITANA Steering Committee member was at each table to facilitate the discussion.
- Each table would pick an item from the Backlog and move it to the Doing column. They would attach their table number to the item.
- The groups were given 45 minutes to work on the item. The followed the template for each artifact that we pasted into each item's Scratchpad in a Google doc.
- At the end of 45 minutes, the groups were asked how much more time they would need to finish up. Usually 30 minutes.
- At the end of that time, the items were moved to Revisit.
- Groups then picked a different item to revisit and edit / clean up. They were given 30 to 45 minutes to revisit.
- At the end of the revisit time, the item was moved to done.
- At the end of the sessions, attendees were asked to volunteer to be Stewards for one or more items.
Group/Table Work
The following high level process was identified for the tables by the attendees:
- Do a Quick Thin Pass first
- Capture the Big Ideas
- Then Flesh Out the document
- Capture Synonyms
- Add you Names as Contributors / Revisers
Each table should have:
- A Facilitator
- Researchers
- Scribe