1. Zoom: https://washington.zoom.us/j/560869507

  2. Main MURAL: https://app.mural.co/t/itanawikiworkshop20208637/m/itanawikiworkshop20208637/1594941041016/70ffcc6407ced8701190380e2dce177c5d5d58b9

  3. Technical Guidance Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EyPp6W8VdkdjhkS2ST7wBXz20LmtOZaEBluJHmzPQio/edit?usp=sharing

  4. Google Drive Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19SJqMrMqBB1VOlXggmKxUPFAnbAzunbL

  5. Wiki Refresh Workshop Planning Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jMzfKp7npOomu6C8nsCqzrtahvLPSvWuq94rgDBf2sI/edit#

2020 Wiki Refresh Workshop



Monday, July 202:30 to 5PM (Eastern)

Half Day 1

Tuesday, July 21

Noon to 2:00PM (Eastern)

2:30 to 5PM (Eastern)

Half Day 2

Wednesday, July 22

Noon to 2:00PM (Eastern)

2:30 to 5PM (Eastern)

Sign up today: https://forms.gle/j1tvvcKMJysAicocA
Add kickoff and late sessions to your calendar
Add early sessions to your calendar


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