Agenda for meeting on May 8, 2012 @ 11 EDT via Google+ Hangout. 

1) Google+ Hangout, time to get everyone connected (only 5 minutes this week!)  

2) Introductions. Tell us a little bit about yourself
  a) Name
  b) Organization
  c) Title & responsibilities
  d) How long have you been in Higher Ed and what did you do before?
  e) One thing that you haven't already mentioned that the rest of us might find interesting.

3) Discussion:
   a)  Methods used to track problems and issues (from John G)
   b)  Methods for kick-starting campus-wide projects (from Chris E)

4) New-to-Higher-Ed subgroup input.
  a) How was the hangout technology? Continue using it?
  b) How is the time (11 am est/Tuesday)?
  c) Does a 4-week cadence make sense?
  d) How is the format?
  e) Suggestions on getting topics?

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