Dave Perhne at University of Michigan has agreed to host the form. As they are running Google apps, this will allow respondents to re-enter the form. The form is a bit long and unwieldy, so it can be filled out in multiple sessions.
Leo needs to make the updates to the form as per th April 5 meeting. These should be complete by Friday 13 April. Then Leo can forward the form to Dave early next week.
Scott and Keith are going to re-write the questions around Identity. Something along the following lines.
a) App invokes service on behalf of a user. i. service in cloud. ii. service in local domain
b) App invokes service on its own behalf i. service in cloud ii service in local domain.
Dry run:
Glenn+Leo UofT Frank Boshoff and Rajiv Kraushik
Leo Richard Fernig: Keith+Leo Berkeley Dedra and JR Schulden