Draft Mintues: ITANA call of 19-Dec-2013
Rich Stevenson, University of Maryland University College (host)
Mojgan Amini, UC San Diego
Marina Arsiniev, UC Irvine
Joel Banez, Westmont College
Dong Chen, Bowling Green State
Leo Fernig, University of British Columbia
Scott Fullerton, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Andrew Gianni, University at Buffalo
Piet Niederhausen
Ashish Pandit, UC San Diego
Brenda Reeb, University of Rochester
Brian Savage, Boston College
ITANA Website: http://itana.org/
ITANA Wiki: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/Home
Mojgan announced a survey on IT architecture and IT governance (sent to the ITANA mailing list on December 19). The group would love to have your responses before the holiday break; it should take about 10 minutes. Information gathered will initially be used for the CSG meeting in January, but survey results can also lead to new ITANA work. Brian volunteered to post survey results on the ITANA wiki.
The ITANA working groups reported on their efforts in 2013:
Update: WS02 Sub-Group
The group had its initial meeting at the WSO2 conference and plans to meet monthly. WSO2 has offered to join working group calls to provide information about their products and this might be useful for ITANA members. Scott asked about goals for the group beyond initial education about the products.
Update: Learning Working Group
The group's RATL work was referenced in an EDUCAUSE Review article, "A New Architecture for Learning", by Ron Abel, Malcolm Brown, and Jack Seuss (October 2013). Leo and Rich have also been finding connections with inCommon and IMS Global, with opportunities for collaboration regarding identity and access management and analytics.
A core group has been working on refining and expanding the materials gathered in 2013, summarized at a high level in the Teaching and Learning Capability Map. In 2014 the working group will be working on a reference architecture, and will be looking for input from ITANA on how you would use the materials. For example, are there key changes your institution is facing that a reference architecture could help you work through the implications of?
The working group is looking for opportunities to share its work, for example at the IMS conference in the Spring. Please contact Leo or Rich with ideas.
Update: Starting an Enterprise Architecture Practice Working Group
Brian reported that the working group no longer has a facilitator/leader and is currently effectively inactive. We continue to see interest in the topic, so ITANA is looking for members interested in leading or contributing to the group. The group discussed ideas for appropriate artifacts that would help new practitioners – not necessarily covering a whole EA practice, but providing examples. Rich suggested working with other constituent groups, such as the CIO group, to get new input on what this working group could do. CSG has also been covering some EA topics. Jim Phelps and Mojgan Amini will be presenting on EA at the next CSG meeting, and are looking for other contributors to their panel.
Update: SOA and API Management Working Group
This group includes the WSO2 sub-group, but is also interested in data design and "bigger picture" issues like architecting, governing, or designing SOA/APIs. There has been discussion of ITANA participating in the development of standards with inCommon and IMS, being careful of course not to duplicate or fragment other standards work. Rich reported that IMS is trying to broaden its role and there may be an opportunity for collaboration with ITANA or some of its members. Scott added that provisioning (mainly from IDM systems) could be another productive area of work.
Rich introduced UMUC's roadmapping process, which includes roadmaps for business capability and for technology/IT. Inputs for this process include:
We'll continue with this topic on a future call in the new year.
Attendees agreed that the WebEx tool was ok for the meeting. We'll continue to use the Internet2 audio bridge because of its recording and scribing services.
Rich extended thank-you's to the leaders of this year's working groups for their work in 2013! Also, congratulations to Jim Phelps on his new role at the University of Washington in 2014.
Next call: We will not meet on January 2; the next call will be on January 16, 2014.