Draft Minutes, ITANA call of 6-June-2013
Jim Phelps, University of Wisconsin - Madison (chair)
Brenda Reeb, University of Rochester
Brian Savage, Boston College
Leo Fernig, University of British Columbia
Mojgan Amini, UCSD
Rich Stevenson, University of Maryland University College
Michael Janke, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Colleen Nagy, Case Western Reserve
Nassif Nassif, Case Western Reserve
Shane Anderson, Yale
Scott Fullerton, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Emily Eisbruch, Internet2 (scribe)
Starting an Enterprise Architecture Practice Working Group
This working group's goal is to creating a flexible framework to help start an EA Program at a higher education institution.
Colleen reported that the group is going to start focusing on deliverables, such as the charter, the maturity model and the best practices.
Jim may join the next call of this working group.
Face2Face 2013 Planning
Planning is getting under way for the 2013 ITANA F2F at EDUCAUSE 2013
Tuesday, Oct. 15 8AM to 4PM (Seminar 07F)
Scott Fullerton and Chris Eagle are helping to build the agenda.
The morning panel will be:
EDUCAUSE Registration is now open:
But note that the EDUCAUSE PreConf Seminar will have a separate registration.
The EDUCAUSE UnConference will most likely be on Thursday, Oct. 17, but that is not yet confirmed.
Learning Reference Architecture Group
This working group held a F2F workshop on May 20-22 in Madison, Wisc
-Jim facilitated
-The group walked through capability maps. The idea is to link capabilities back to technologies
-The group divided the space into 5 areas:
-Instructional designer
The work accomplished during the F2F workshop is here: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/Learning+Working+Group#LearningWorkingGroup-Projectworkspaces
A use case was examined of a using capability map to survey the landscape to determine the areas of readiness and the gaps to launch MOOCs on a campus.
Next steps (between now and October) are here: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/Wednesday+Notes#WednesdayNotes-Sequencing%2FNextSteps
This working group is still open and would welcome new members. Please consider participating. Contact Leo Fernig.
Q: Does a capability map help to show risks and weaknesses as well as strengths?
A: Yes, a capability map frames the area being looked at, provides a holistic checklist and shows where capabilities may be lacking.
Q: Can a capability map help with changing a culture?
A: Yes, because listing capabilities can be neutral, compared to looking at people's jobs and functions
Wiki Content Management https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/Home
-Brian has reviewed the ITANA wiki to determine improvements (reorganizing/editing) that may be helpful.
-The website at ITANA.org is more high level – for charter and goals
-The ITANA wiki is more for the working group activities and helpful documents
-The wiki is set up with a fixed navigation on left side
-most wikis have just pages within pages (page hierarchy)
-Should we continue with that fixed navigation on the left side?
Q: Do we keep statistics on visitors to website and wiki?
A: Jim: not on the website, not sure whether there are stats available regarding wiki visits.
The plan is to migrate the ITANA website (now hosted at wordpress.com) into the UW-Madison hosting environment. At that point, we may set up an easier way to monitor stats.
Brian noted that the working groups do seem to be posting items/making updates to the ITANA wiki.
For the Library section of the wiki, there are tags and labels applied to pages. See the list of 46 labels at the right at: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/Library
Jim: Pete worked on those tags. Not sure how consistently they are being applied since Pete left.
Brian encourages people to look at the labels on the Library page and give feedback.
Scott noted that the most important categories are
-Team Working Documents
-Deliverables coming out of the Team that are published for broad consumption
-Reference Materials that are of interest
-News Announcements
There is some overlap in these categories, so whatever organization we use, we need to cross reference certain pages.
Scott would defer to Brian on the best way to organize the material, as long as we have an obvious path to the items of interest.
Q: Should the "Recently Discussed" Area of the wiki be used as a Topics area?
A: Yes, probably a good idea.
It was noted that the Peer Groups (listed on the Working Groups page) are mostly stagnant right now. https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/Leading+as+an+Architect+Peer-Group https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/New+to+HE+Peer+Group
-Should we take the Peer Group out of the Working Groups page?
-Perhaps make those into "Topic Groups."
-Need a mechanism for the Topic Groups to organize.
-Brian will share more ideas about the wiki structure with Jim and the ITANA list in the future.
-Brian may establish a new page for suggestions.