Draft Minutes: ITANA Call 9-May-2013
Jim Phelps, University of Wisconsin - Madison (chair)
Glenn Donaldson, Ohio State University
Chris Eagle, University of Michigan
Eden Davis, Michigan State University
Brian Savage, Boston College
Leo Fernig, University of British Columbia
Rich Stevenson, University of Maryland University College
Eden Davis, MSU
Bruce Alexander, MSU
Dan Brint, SUNY
Michael Janke, MN State
Bob Winding, Notre Dame
Emily Eisbruch, Internet2 (scribe)
Working Group / Activities Updates
Learning Reference Architecture – Leo
Final planning will happen next week for the F2F, May 20-22, at UW-Madison
(Planners include Rich, Laura, Scott and Leo)
Details on the F2F: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/learning+architecture+f-2-f+workshop
Last WG call was around content creation and management.
University of Maryland University College presented interesting work.
Leo: Is the reference architecture for learning and teaching something that ITANA wants to own?
So that when campuses launch into this, resources would be available from ITANA ( cheat sheets, case studies, etc. )
Jim: yes would be good for ITANA to take ownership.
It was agreed that ITANA should have a screen to screen on the topic of
Learning Reference Architecture after the Face to Face.
Leo will add to the agenda for the F2F: picking a day and time and plan
what to bring back for an ITANA screen to screen
Starting EA Solution Path / Maturity Model - Colleen Nagy
This group held a conf. call last week, hosted by Colleen.
Face2Face 2013 & (un)Conference 2013 - Jim Phelps
Watch for registration to open soon for EDUCAUSE 2013. Jim will keep the list informed.http://www.educause.edu/annual-conference
Content Management Working Group
Jim reported that DoIT (at UW-Madison) will work on a new Web design based
on WordPress. We will migrate the current ITANA.org http://ITANA.org website into DoIT's web hosting environment.
Brian Savage has offered to provide input on how to structure the ITANA wiki.
Capability Mapping at UW-Madison
Jim discussed a project at UW-Madison focusing on the Division of Enrollment Management (DEM) and IT capabilities.http://www.provost.wisc.edu/enrollman.htm
The material is now being vetted. Can't be shared fully at this time.
In the future, Jim hopes to set up a Screen-to-Screen about lessons learned.
Sixteen months of work went into this analysis.
Some culture shift happened along the way.
For example, more conversations on why we do what we do are happening than previously.
The project team asked:
-What is a gap versus what's working well?
-What is strategic (setting the future) versus what is operational (managing business today)?
Trend was that the operational items were working well.
More gaps were observed in strategic issues.
Makes sense, since enrollment management was established about 10 years ago to oversee new ERP system
Gaps in strategic areas makes it harder to align resources moving forward.
Q: Are strategic objectives by definition the same as institutional objectives?
A: There are tiers of strategies. Students have a strategy, etc.
Departments want to support those. The hope is that the division strategies support the institution's strategies.
Where does it make sense for each activity to happen?
Locally or outsourced?
What should be handled at the division level, unit level?
What should be federated?
New technology exploration happens in an ad hoc way.
Should be more coordinated
In summary, this case study from UW-Madison shows how capability mapping can be used for organizational (rather than technology) review.
Q: What about using TOGAF?
A: Not simple to do metrics around organizational review. Also, connecting the technology review with the higher level business review is complex.
Dan, Bruce and Chris agreed that this type of sharing is very helpful.
Summer: Sometimes ITANA calls go on hiatus in June or July due to vacation schedules, etc.
Schedule for this summer TBD.
Next ITANA Call: Thursday, May 23, 2013 at 2pm ET