Minutes: ITANA Call 23-April-2013
Action Items
AI (Dan and Michael) brainstorm how resources should be presented on the the ITANA wiki.
AI (Jim) will facilitate this
-this working group will have F2F workshop starting May 20-21 in Madison, Wisc
-team is working on scenarios, next task is to work on capabilities, hope to have this before the F2F
-It is open to all ITANA members, for details: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/learning+architecture+f-2-f+workshop
1. Continuing work around the scenarios <https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/Teaching+and+Learning+Scenarios> that Scott Fullerton started.
2. Work on scenarios led to a redefinition of scope <https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/Learning+architecture+scope>. In, out and boundary.
3. Agreement that the workshop will be organized primarily around roles: learner, instructor, content developer, mentor. Rich Stevenson has provided a sketch of what a capability map for one of these roles would look like: Learner capability map <https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/Reference+Architecture+Model+Lenses>We still need to fill in data and technologies. Data should correspond to objects in our conceptual data model. Technologies should correspond to our list if technologies.
4. Scott shared with us the UW-M core diagram for advisors. We can use this as a template for mentor capability map.
-Making good progress on the models, good work around the scenarios that Scott and Rich had worked on.
-Jim and others noted that User Scenarios and User Stories can be very useful. However they generally don't get extensive use.
-Some campuses like to use diagrams, including GLIFFY diagrams, which are easy to maintain in the wiki.
-ITANA might want to do a screen to screen on user scenarios sometime.
Face2Face 2013 & (un)Conference 2013 - Jim Phelps
The 4th panel member has come on-board. The morning panel will be:
No update
Had some volunteers from last call. Eden will touch base with her colleagues again.
Thanks to Bruce Savage, Boston College, for volunteering to work on ITANA wiki Content Management.
Additional volunteers are welcome.
Tools for Managing EA Artifacts was discussed on the 11-April ITANA call.
Jim wonders if it's worth spinning up a working group to explore this further and to do evaluations/surveys of EA tools and repositories?
This was started 5 years ago but the effort did not go too far.
We often find that not too many people are using tools beyond Viseo
Where do the various tools fit together (CMDB, Troux - Application Portfolio Management Tools, High-Level Repository for Principles and Strategy EA type documents).
How do BI Tools like Troux's tools fit with the actual repositories?
What tools create the artifacts vs. which ones hold the artifacts and make them discoverable, etc.
How does the tool provide outreach and communication and examples?
How does it support self-service discovery of architecture artifacts?
What is the balance between rigorous artifacts and more ad hoc artifacts?
What about the balance between rigorous taxonomy and tight control vs. crowd-sourced and wiki-like controls?
What is the role of the BI Tools vs. the actual repository?
Who has to maintain the content? Is the artifact and/or tool expert or can it be passed off to the busines experts?
Where do you create the artifacts? In the tool itself or can you use the traditional PowerPoint, Google Docs, OmniGraffle etc... desktop or web application of choice?
How do you get the content back out of the repository? How do you share the content? How do you comment on the content?
How do you manage the lifecycle of the artifacts?
Do you have to prune and weed and the content?
How good is search and discoverability?
How robust is the metadata around the tools?
Would it be interesting for a WG to look at this?
Yes, Glenn, Brenda, and Eden are interested.
-Glenn, Scott Fullerton and a few others are planning to look at these questions and develop a solution path.
-If you want to participate, let Jim know.
-Jim may get a group together to work on this around the May 20-21 F2F of the Learning Ref Architecture Group .
-It was suggested to use the ITANA wiki to highlight more resources around EA work happening on campuses
-For particular subject areas, show how specific solutions work
-Show applicaiton architecture, capability mapping,
-Show how Gartner resources are used in practice at various campuses and the value they derived from it
-Jim: we need volunteers to help with ITANA communications and outreach.
-Possibly use resources coming out of the "Starting an EA Practice" working group. Eden will ask that group.
AI (Dan and Michael) brainstorm how they would like to find resources on the wiki, that will help us know how to present them.
AI (Jim) will facilitate this
Next ITANA Call: Thursday, 9-May at 2:00pm ET