Draft Minutes: ITANA call 11-April-2013

Jim Phelps, University of Wisconsin, Madison (Chair)
Mojan Amini, UCSD
Marina Arseniev, UC Irvine
Kasia Azzara, Columbia
Glenn Donaldson, OSU
Rizan Rizvi, University of Sydney (Australia)
Brian Savage, Boston College
Emily Eisbruch, Internet2, scribe


Working Group / Activities Updates

Learning Reference Architecture - Leo Fernig


On their most recent call, the Learning Ref Architecture WG reviewed reference architecture,
discussed taxonomy and went through various user scenarios

Starting EA Solution Path / Maturity Model - Colleen Nagy


This working group recently reviewed charter, discussed deliverables and
discussed different approaches/paths to getting buy-in from executives for enterprise architecture.
Several members will be putting up their journeys on the wiki.

Face2Face 2013 & (un)Conference 2013 - Jim Phelps

We have a commitments from the following people for the ITANA F2F Panel:
-Ron Kraemer, Vice President and CIO, University of Notre Dame;
-Klara Jelinkova, Associate Vice President and CIO, University of Chicago;
-Jeffery Shokler, Assistant Director for Technology and Assessment, Office of Undergraduate Advising, UW-Madison.
-Jim is waiting to hear from one person.

Joint ITANA and CIO CG Screen2Screen

Based on the success of the previous CIO CG / ITANA Screen2Screen - we will do a follow-on series.
Topics will include:
-Enterprise Architecture
-Capability Mapping
-Application Portfolio Management
-Architecture Review Boards

ITANA Personal Stories https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/ITANA+Personal+Stories
1. Three people have volunteered to write up personal stories about how they have used/been helped by/ ITANA.
2. We will use these stories with a headshot and short bio at EDUCAUSE. They will be posted next to our poster. We will also use them on the ITANA web site to help folks understand how they can engage with ITANA and the kinds of work we do.
3. I would like to find a few more people (three maybe) to add to the list.
4. Rich Stevenson suggested we map to the high-level capabilities: Knowledge Transfer, Practice Development, Community Building and Outreach
5. If this works, we will make this an on-going activity. Gathering a few of these every so often to add to the mix.

Content Management
Jim still needs help with content management for the ITANA wiki. The plan is to migrate the ITANA website (now hosted at wordpress.com) into the UW-Madison hosting environment which will let Jim rework the UI and look and feel. Need a small team to help with that design too.

Brian Savage will take a look at the wiki and send his suggestions/ideas to Jim

Tools for managing EA Artifacts - Mojan Amini

Architecture Tools Discussion
UC University system is establishing an Enterprise Architecture Artifact Framework (EAAF) to further interoperability and information exchange across the system. Artifacts will encompass a wide spectrum e.g. Standards, Specifications, Principles, Reference Architectures, etc.

First off:
Taxonomy of artifacts - what are the artifacts?

Was wondering if anyone could recommend a tool that they've been able to leverage for:
1) Submission, routing, approval of these artifacts like principles, standards, specifications, even reference architectures, etc.
2) Cataloging, discovery, and general management of these artifacts

So many ways to produce artifacts. So many types of artifacts. So many tools for creating artifacts - wiki, Powerpoint, Word, OmniGraffle, PDF, etc.
Protege as a taxonomy & ontology tool but it doesn't scale.
Work is project driven and artifacts are buried in the projects.

Wiki as an artifact repository:
The drawing tool in the wiki means that everyone has access and everyone can update and draw
The artifacts are searchable
Easy for others to update
Drives transperancy and uptake of the architecture practice

Interesting Links
Marina: http://www.va.gov/trm/ (Veterans Affairs Technical Reference Model)
JIm Phelps: https://enterprisearchitecture.nih.gov/Pages/homepage.aspx

Will return to this discussion in the future.
May want to take this issue to the Google Plus ITANA community

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