Draft Minutes, ITANA call of 28-March-2013
Jim Phelps, University of Wisconsin - Madison (chair)
Mojgan Amini, UCSD
Eden Davis, Michigan State University
Glenn Donaldson, Ohio State University
Chris Eagle, University of Michigan
Patton Fast, University of Minnesota
Scott Fullerton, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Clay Fulton, Carnegie Mellon University
Michael Janke, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Jon Turbett, University of Michigan
Evelyn, University of British Columbia
Emily Eisbruch, Internet2 (scribe)
Current Activities Check-in
-this working group will have F2F workshop starting May 20-21 in Madison, Wisc
-team is working on scenarios, next task is to work on capabilities, hope to have this before the F2F
-It is open to all ITANA members, for details: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/learning+architecture+f-2-f+workshop
-Currently committed to attending the F2F are Rich Stevenson, Leo Fernig, Scott Fullerton, Laura Gekeler, Jim Phelps
-Jim Phelps will help to facilitate
-there will be a Google Hangout or WebEx that remote people can participate in during the F2F workshop
-New meeting time is on Thursdays at 3pm ET, on alternate weeks from the regular ITANA calls
-ITANA Face to Face at EDUCAUSE 2013 and PreConf Seminar: Tuesday, Oct 15 in Anaheim
-Jim is working on lining up panelists
-There will also be the 1/2 day UnConference at EDUCAUSE 2013
Joint ITANA and CIO Constituent Group Screen2Screen ("Enterprise Architecture - Shining a Light on IT Spend" ) on March 15, 2013 was a success
-Looking for help with content management for the ITANA wiki.
-This involves figuring out what needs to go where on the wiki
-Contact Jim Phelps if you can assist with this important task
Paul Hobson and Jim Phelps attended the Troux Worldwide Conference in Austin.
-Troux is a subscription based, hosted solution.
-Troux allows you to manage your application portfolio, and to map to capabilities and dependencies
-Troux has a meta model that calculates risk
-An application's risk is increased by running on old hardware, or license coming to end of life, etc.
-Helps plan the application's life cycle
Q: Does Troux support decomposing your analysis into subordinate components?
A: Yes, you can drill down
Troux can import a CMDB – Configuration Management Database
Evelyn from UBC noted:
-Troux can track projects to your application portfolio
-you can do project prioritization based on the risk assessments
-UBC will use Troux to help with roadmaps and blueprints
Q: What is the advantage of Troux over the Oracle BI tool?
A: There is a complex data model behind Troux
Seeking volunteers from ITANA who would like to organize the questions into a solution path diagram.
Example of a solution path:https://wiki.doit.wisc.edu/confluence/display/AARB/AARB+Advising+Strategy+Solution+Path
-The task is to categorize the questions and try to develop a flow
-We can also combine the questions, and might end up with fewer than 55.
-Scott Fullerton will assist; Glen or Thomas at OSU might want to be involved.
-ITANA had a poster last year at EDUCAUSE
-This year we hope to have a poster with first person stories to use for outreach around ITANA
-Jim is seeking stories from people who engaged with ITANA and have a story of the benefit
-Would include a headshot of the person, a blurb about them and their institution, and then a story about ITANA's benefits for them
-If you have a story please contact Jim with it
-Glenn will work with Jim on a story about involvement with SOA group and ref architecture
-Pat will work with Jim at CSG meeting in Rhode Island to craft a story
-Eden will share this request with Bruce, and see what they can contribute
-Thanks to all who volunteered to help out
Real-Time Feeds from PeopleSoft SIS
Scott Fullerton, UW-Madison is reviewing feeds from our Student info system into our LMS
-UW-Madison is a PeopleSoft Oracle school
-Have encountered issues with moving to real time
-Because the change log does not carry a time stamp to right level of granularity
-It allows events to get out of sequence
-Want real-time course add or drop
-If you drop an anchor course in a package, it drops you from the lab and discussion, but it does not put all the changes into the real-time feed
-Goal is to push the changes to the LMS,
-Has anyone successfully set up real-time feeds from their PeopleSoft SIS?
Glenn: At OSU, we have not done the course enrollment process with D2L yet, but have other things that are real time
Glen and Scott Fullerton will talk next week
Pat: Group is working on defining what is enterprise versus what is not enterprise
Jim: This is a discussion on many campuses right now
-Jim can share the framework used at UW-Madison
-May discuss on next call
Next ITANA Call: Thursday, 11-April at 2pm ET