Minutes: ITANA Call 3-Jan-2013Attending
Jim Phelps, University of Wisconsin - Madison (chair)
Glenn Donaldson, Ohio State University
Colleen Nagy, Case Western Reserve University
Dmitry Vayntrub, San Francisco State University
Scott Fullerton, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Leo Fernig, University of British Columbia
Vincent Aumont, University of British Columbia
James Leung, San Francisco State University
Ernie Soffronoff, Johns Hopkins University
Pieter Enslin, South Africa
Jim Green, Michigan State University
Chris Eagle, University of Michigan
Emily Eisbruch, Internet2 (scribe)
2012 Year in Review What did we accomplish in 2012?-Over 460 members now on ITANA email list
-Crossed 5-year anniversary at start of 2012
-Did a rebranding effort
-Developed the ITANA Capability map
Had spin-up of SOA Working Group, led by Leo
This group is close to putting out and EDUCAUSE ECAR publication
Deadline is in Feb. to hand in 1st draft to ECAR
Thanks to Leo and his team for doing this work
New to EA Peer Group started in 2012, led by Chris Eagle
Started in summer 2012
Has met 3 times
Google hangout is generally filled up with 10 folks
Topics of interest to those new to Enterprise Architecture
Leading as an Architect Peer Group
Monthly Google Hangout
Will start up again in 2013
ITANA had several successful Screen to Screen sessions in 2012 - including with Laura Patterson, see notes at: [https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/Screen2Screen+with+Laura+Patterson%2C+Michigan+CIO%2C+9-13-2012|]
Successful ITANA Face2Face (and UnConference) at EDUCAUSE 2012
ITANA Plans for 2013
JimP reminded those leading peer groups or working groups to please start from the ITANA Capability Map at http://itana.org/capability-map/
- Box.net Screen2Screen session planned
Box.net - Screen2Screen session is planned
Glenn Donaldson (Ohio State) and Chris Eagle (U. Michigan) will share their campus experiences with box.net
Much interest has been shown for this topic on the email list.
Chris will soon put out a call for questions- New Working Groups and Peer Groups
Learning Reference Architecture Working Group is spinning up [https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/Learning+Working+Group|]
Leo Fernig (UBC) leading
12 people in the Working Group so far
Additional participants welcome
Will meet once every two weeks
There is a Doodle poll out for time/day
Starting an EA Practice Group will be spinning up soon
Colleen Nagy (CWRU) leading
Colleen is getting ready to put the call out for participantsAdditional Planning
Face2Face 2013 Planning & (un)ConferenceVolunteers to help in planning are:
- Chris Eagle (U-Mich)
- Leo Fernig (UBC)
- Scott Fullerton (UW-Madsion)
Seeking a Content Manager for ITANA to help with the wiki, website, Facebook page, document editing, etc. Please let Jim know if you can help or if you know someone who can help.
ITANA has a full year ahead and lots coming up.
Next ITANA call: Thursday, Jan. 17, 2013 at 2pm ET