If you want to contribute to a method page, please contact one of the stewards listed on the page. They will coordinate the change with you. If you can't reach a steward, please contact the ITANA Steering Committee.
Your contributions to ITANA content are subject to the Internet2 Intellectual Property Framework.
For links to all versions see the Spring Face2Face 2015 Workspace page.
Each method has a "scratchpad" in Google Drive originally used to draft content for the method. Each method is also published as a wiki page in the ITANA web site; see the Architecture Methods page. The wiki keeps past versions of these pages; click on Tools > Page History to see them.
As you edit, please bear in mind the following objectives:
In general, please follow the Method Template in the design of the method pages. The questions in the template are guides to the sections; they should not appear in the final result.
The method wiki pages were initially created with subheadings to take the place of the original questions. Feel free to modify or remove them. They look like this:
Context: This framework provides decision makers with a method to plan and prioritize investments and manage technology lifecycles.
Please provide attribution for quoted content. Use quotation marks, or if you quote a block of content, use the Quote paragraph format (on the format drop-down at the left end of the editor toolbar). Provide a citation and if possible a link to the source. For example:
A university (Latin: universitas, "a whole") is an institution of higher (or tertiary) education and research which grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects and provides both undergraduate education and postgraduate education. The word "university" is derived from the Latin universitas magistrorum et scholarium, which roughly means "community of teachers and scholars."
-- Source: University, Wikipedia
The wiki application is Atlassian Confluence; its documentation home is here. A few tips for using Confluence:
See also the more general Site Contributor Guide.