Coming Up


Summer 2020 Itana Wiki Refresh Workshop

Join Itana at EDUCAUSE!

Itana does a full-day workshop at Educause. Stay tuned for the theme of the next workshop and plan to join us in Boston in Fall 2020. (A separate registration required for pre-conference workshops.)

Past Meetings


Face2Face 2019 - New2EA - Re/Launching Your Enterprise Architecture Practice


Face2Face 2018 - Evaluating and Maturing Your Enterprise Architecture Practice


Face2Face 2017 - Digital Transformation


Face2Face 2016 at the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference in Anaheim, CA. Wiki Page: Itana Fall Face2Face 2016 - Agenda

Spring 2016 Face2Face at Washington University in St. Louis , MO


Face2Face Fall 2015 at the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference in Indianapolis on October 27.

Spring Face2Face 2015 in Seattle on April 22-24


Face2Face 2014


Face2Face 2013


Face2Face 2012:  Thank you all for another successful Face2Face meeting.  You can read the minutes and see the slides from the meeting on the Face2Face 2012 page.

What the Heck Is EA Game:  We will be packaging up the game with some changes so you can play it on your campus.  Watch for announcements.

ITANA Discussion 2012:  The notes for the ITANA Discussion 2012

ITANA (un)Conference 2012:  Two topics made it to the top for this (un)Conference: the first was a high-level architectural framework for Teaching and Learning.  This includes a capability map.  Watch for a working group to form on this topic.  The second was a framework for walking people through ITANA's works and other resources.  This framework includes a high-level business process flow and links to case studies or resources.  Watch for a call to discuss how this could shape ITANA's work.


Face2Face 2011: Thank you for a successful Face2Face 2011 meeting! You can read the minutes or review the program on the Face2Face 2011 page.


AACRAO Tech 2010: Architecture and the Registrar's Office – A strategic alignment
EDUCAUSE 2010: Discussion Group Session


EDUCAUSE 2009: Discussion Group Session


EDUCAUSE 2008: Constituent Group meeting
Face2Face 2008: Minneapolis, MN on the UofM campus


EDUCAUSE 2007 Constituent Group meeting in Seattle, WA
Face2Face 2007: At Columbia University, NY


  1. Do we need to limit the breadth of SOA to something more focused:

    • Problems that people are having implementing SOA
    • Frameworks for implementing
    • Technology stacks
    • First chunk of time to work over the agenda a little bit
  2. How do you do Architecture at your Institution leads to How do you applyArchitecture Frameworks in your institutions leads to How do you manage I.T. Portfolio. 

    Everyone on every panel motif will probably work.

    First Topic:

    • Do you have a framework
    • Does it follow any of the other frameworks that are out there (TOGAF)
    • How did you get them in place?
    • How do you apply them?
    • What does it mean to your planning process?

    Paul could talk about the ITAG principles (10 - 15min) - slides

    Short Presentation Paul Hill - I.T. Architecture at MIT (15 minutes each), Tom Barton - I.T. Architecture at Chicago, One more in this slot.

    UC San Diego has talked about SOA / Web Services deployment.  Issues that UW-Madison has hit trying to move towards SOA. 

    Email going out - here is the agenda - looking for people to take the lead on these items.  

    Wrap session - what are the next steps?  when is the next face 2 face meeting?  Are there agenda items that are on board for the next meeting? 

  3. Paul Hill
    - Will send out his paper to the general list 2nd week in May.
    - Contact Paul to speak on the panel.
    - This would be a way to have those people who cannot participate in NY participate in the discussion.
    - Paul will send this out early for us to look at

    Tom Barton
    - Will contact his people

    RL Bob - have Burton group come out to talk about SOA.

    Participation for non-participants:

    Chat Room
    - IETF:  using a chat room to scribe what is going on and then people can send questions and points back to the chat room.
    - Need a court-reporter type person who can scribe live
    - Volunteers for scribing

    Questions out early for written replies

    Put the content on the wiki quickly

    Keith H: extending the reach issues.  Getting participation from the extended group.

    - Jim Phelps - Michael Grady
    - Tom ping the CIC working group
    - R.L. Bob - Who is in charge of Architecture for Kuali (UBC guy)
    - Jim Phelps - ping James Hooper
    - R.L. Bob - Rutgers, Princeton, NYU
    - Jim Phelps - Send an email to CSG soliciting people to participating in ITANA

    Wrap Up discussion:

    - Features of the Constituent Group
    - Governance Group
    - What needs to said to EDUCAUSE
    - What are the reports that are expected back to anyone?
    - Next time a conference comes up: EDUCAUSE National Meeting, Internet2 Fall Member Meeting