Face2Face 2009 Survey

ITANA Face2Face Spring 2009 This meeting was canceled. The agenda will form the basis of longer webinar / working calls.

Agenda for Thursday Webinar/Working Calls

Enterprise Authorization - Marina Arseniev, Chair

  • Truly enterprise-wide authorization solutions present challenges from the technology perspective and even more challenges from the business and cultural requirements perspective. Questions about scope, granularity, roles, delegation, and data integration with vendor and other software continue to be posed in many institutions where authorization solutions have difficulty meeting campus needs. Specific common problems and case studies, such as campus-wide access audits, are the focus of this session. We will share real-world experiences, identify common requirements and discuss solutions (successful or possibly not) to better understand common challenges.
    • This session will discuss why enterprise authorization is so elusive for so many of our institutions; it will be a forum to share successes and failures. The goal is to define what specific actionable steps or decisions architects across our campuses might be able to make that bring vision and clarity back to their organizations.
      *Enterprise Authorization Working Group
  • Working group time to push the topic forward and define future activities (if any) that ITANA should take on.

5/10 Feed Back Session

  • Give a short, 5 minute, presentation and get 10 minutes of feedback from the attendees. Do you have something you are working on? Want to get a quick check on your roadmap? Need to get past a sticking point?

Kuali on Campus - David Walker, Chair

  • Over the past few years, the Kuali Foundation has become a major force in the creation of community source administrative software for use in higher education. Work is in progress on a growing list of applications, including Kuali Financial System, Kuali Student, and Kuali Coeus (research administration). These applications are being designed to utilize a common middleware layer, Kuali Rice, which provides a service bus, workflow, access to identity management, notification, and presentation services. This session will provide a brief introduction to Kuali Rice, followed by a discussion of the issues surrounding the use of Rice as an enterprise middleware infrastructure, supporting applications beyond those developed by the Kuali Foundation.
    • University of California: Assessment of Kuali Rice for Single and Multiple Campus Applications
  • Working group time to push the topic forward and define future activities (if any) that ITANA should take on.

5/10 Feed Back Session

  • Give a short, 5 minute, presentation and get 10 minutes of feedback from the attendees. Do you have something you are working on? Want to get a quick check on your roadmap? Need to get past a sticking point?

SOA and Interoperability - Tom Dopirak, Chair

  • This session will study the use of SOA and Federation practices and technologies in the context of a particular "sourcing " problem in higher education. This session looks at the potential of a single institution hosting undergraduate email for multiple institutions rather than using a commercial provider such as Google. The session is not concerned with aspects of economics or differences in policies but rather how existing practices in federation and SOA might apply to a problem that spans the higher education community. Possible deliverables include a list of services that need to be provided by each participating institution, a list of services that might be provided by other parties such as InCommon , a list of proven technologies that would apply to this problem and the kind of governance that would be necessary for higher education to operate such a service.
  • Working group time to push the topic forward and define future activities (if any) that ITANA should take on.

5/10 Feed Back Session

  • Give a short, 5 minute, presentation and get 10 minutes of feedback from the attendees. Do you have something you are working on? Want to get a quick check on your roadmap? Need to get past a sticking point?

Hot Topics

Enterprise Batch Feed Management
Uses of the Zachman Framework - other frameworks
Performance w/ Web Services
Enterprise Business Objects & Master Data Management
Getting coherence in meeting security objectives
Using Outside Consultants on Architectural issues
Injecting Requirements into the RFP Process

Report Out from Working Groups

Straw-man Agenda with timings



8:3O AM


8:30 - 8:45AM

Intro and call for Hot Topics

8:45 - 9:30 AM

Enterprise Auth Problem Statement Presentation

9:30 - 10:00 AM

Enterprise Auth Working Session

10:00 - 10:15 AM


10:15 - 10:30 AM

5/10 Feedback Session

10:30 - 11:15 AM

Kuali on Campus Problem Statement Presentation

11:15 - 11:45 AM

Working Session

11:45 - 12:00 AM

5/10 Feedback Session

12:00 - 1:30 PM


1:30PM - 1:45 PM

5/10 Feedback Session

1:45PM - 2:30 PM

SOA Problem Statement Presentation

2:30 - 3:00 PM

Working Session

3:00 - 3:15 PM


3:15 - 4:30 PM

Hot Topics

4:30 - 5:00 PM

WG Report Out - Next Steps - Closing Remarks

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