Personas - Piet gave a quick overview of the Persona Work for EA at UW
EA Competencies, Staffing and Teams
EA Frameworks and Tools (see below)
Information problems in communicating as an EA.
Pictures, models visual explanations
Measuring EA success; "readiness" for next maturity level.
Topic - Frameworks and Tools
TOGAF was the common framework.
Most people at a maturity of 1 - 2.
People like TOGAF because it is specific and proscriptive
Good available samples
Layers Conceptual -> Logical -> Physical work well
U Mich pulled out specific best practicss
MS Office or similar Google Docs, Wikis are what most people use. It is the lowest common denominator.
UBC used Troux ( to do an engagement analysis mapping capabilities to technology to show gaps and overlaps. Part of strategic planning