ITANA Conference Call
June 26, 2008

Jim Phelps, University of Wisconsin (chair)
Jeremiah Adams, University of Colorado-Boulder
Tom Barton, University of Chicago
Curtis Brey, University of California-Davis
Mike Daly, University of Michigan
Hebert Dias-Flores, University of California-Berkeley
Michael Enstrom, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Mike Halm, Pennsylvania State University
Klara Jelinkova, Duke University
Steve Mullins, University of Alaska
Piet Niederhausen, Georgetown University
Sue Sharpton, University of Alaska


(0) Roll Call. Agenda Bash.

1. Accept minutes of last call
2. Post Face 2 Face report out.
1. Survey Results - Post Face2Face 2008 Survey (Jim)
2. Items of interest from the Face2Face (All)
3. Updating the wiki (Jim)
4. Follow-on activities from the Face2Face
1. Data Management Survey - in conjunction with the Data Administrator's CG
2. Case Studies (Architecture on your campus) Podcasts
3. Selling Points - interviews with leadership - value of EA/IT Architecture
5. What happens when we have 150 people at the Face2Face
6. Idea for next meetings 1.5 days - Day one talk about doing stuff, .5 day doing stuff

*Action Items*

(AI) (Klara) will develop a plan of action on how to proceed with some sort of data management working group and report back on the next call.

(AI) (Jim) will start a framework on the wiki and invite others to join in the editing and development work. This will be discussed on the next call.

(AI) (Jim) will contact EDUCAUSE to determine whether we could plan a day-long ITANA meeting on the day prior to the beginning of EDUCAUSE. He will report back on the next call.

*Face 2 Face Report Out*

Jim Phelps reviewed the recent Face 2 Face meeting in Minneapolis. Quite a bit of information is posted at the ITANA wiki. Attendees and speakers are encouraged to post their notes and presentations to the wiki, as well. Information from the Face 2 Face is on the wiki at:

The post-meeting survey shows a very positive response from those who attended. Jim will provide complete results of the survey on the wiki. Survey respondents listed "case studies" and "data management" as the top two areas in which they would like to participate.

Based on the survey, discussions at the Face 2 Face, and comments from those on this phone call, ITANA will pursue developing working groups that would work on or develop deliverables.

*Data Management Group*

For the data management area, Klara will develop a draft of a survey as a first step in determining best practices in this area. (AI) (Klara) will also develop a plan of action on how to proceed with some sort of data management working group and report back on the next call.
The survey would gather information about the maturity levels of data management practices, as well as developing possible content for case studies. In addition, Tom Barton will provide contact information for the leader of the EDUCAUSE data administrator working group for potential collaboration.

Michael Enstrom mentioned a data management body of knowledge that exists, including a published matrix that describes nine separate data management functions across seven environmental elements.

*Case Studies Group*

For the case studies working group, Jim will start to develop a template for case studies, outlining the type of information that should be included. The case studies would be organized around the broad title, "architecture on your campus." A possibility is to develop a series of podcasts then, at some point, gathering those up into a white paper. (AI) (Jim) will start a framework on the wiki and invite others to join in the editing and development work. This will be discussed on the next call.

*Future Face 2 Face Meetings*

There was a consensus on the call that annual face-to-face meetings are not often enough. After discussion of the appropriate frequency, the group decided on twice a year with the potential of moving to three times per year. The fall meeting could be organized around either EDUCAUSE in Orlando or the Internet2 Fall Member Meeting in New Orleans. (AI) (Jim) will contact EDUCAUSE to determine whether we could plan a day-long ITANA meeting on the day prior to the beginning of EDUCAUSE. He will report back on the next ITANA call.

There was also consensus to try to plan a spring meeting for the day prior to the beginning of the Internet2 Spring Member Meeting in Arlington, Virginia.

The structure of both of these meetings would include time for working groups to report out and gather input, as well as time for working groups to meet and work on deliverables.

*Wiki Help*

Jim is looking for wiki help from an information architect. He'd like help going through information that might currently be buried on the wiki, such as in conference call minutes, that should be placed in a position where people can see and work on them. Mike Halm said that he would help with that. His institution calls this "gardening" - a process by which, every six months, wikis are reorganized with content freshened.

*Next Call, Thursday, July 10, 2008, 2:00 p.m. EDT*

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