This page is a draft pending the first meeting of the group.

The ITANA Communication and Outreach Group helps ITANA better serve the higher education community by understanding the interests and needs of architects, proposing ways for ITANA to engage architects, and communicating to members and non-members.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Piet.


The ITANA Communication and Outreach Group supports the ITANA strategic capabilities of Community Building and Outreach. The group will work to:

  • Understand the interests and needs of architects in higher education, including ITANA members and potential members
  • Provide actionable ideas for engaging architects in ITANA, connecting them with each other, and serving their needs
  • Ensure that ITANA communication resources are used effectively

Proposed Activities

Some proposed activities for the group, starting in Summer 2014, are:

  • Survey ITANA members (and ideally non-members) to find out what motivates people to participate in ITANA and how ITANA can best serve them
  • Make recommendations to the ITANA Steering Committee to increase the value of ITANA activities (such as conference calls, working groups, and face to face meetings) to the membership
  • Assess existing ITANA communications (such as ITANA web sites, calendar, etc.)
  • Recommend a communications plan for ITANA going forward
  • Recommend an operational structure for carrying out the communication plan going forward


Our first meeting is currently being scheduled for July 2014.

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