This is the home page for the ITANA group's discussion of enterprise architecture activity at various campuses and survey, as of 2010. Please feel free to add to the wiki!


Much activity has taken place in the last couple of years, as enterprise architecture efforts have evolved and matured at various campuses. The ITANA group felt it would be good to do an assessment of where things stand today. A common set of interview questions will be developed to do this assessment and several ITANA individuals will speak with key individuals at identified campuses and document the results.

Scope Statement

In the context of the interviews and assessment, it is important to use the same vocabulary. For the purposes of this effort, the following terms will apply:

  1. Enterprise Architecture Definition
  2. What do we mean by EA Tools or Components?  Examples.
  3. What are EA Repositories? Examples
  4. EA Maturity Level Rubric / Success Factors

There are several goals that we wish to achieve.  It would be good to identify campuses that have successful enterprise architecture programs and extract common best practices and set of references.  Another goal of this assessment is to allow each one of us to better guage where we are with respect to each other's maturity in the enterprise architecture efforts.  It would be useful to identify a spectrum of activities that may not be in line with best practices however, are still viewed as important benefits of  less mature EA programs.   As always, identifying success criteria is also a valuable outcome.

Sub-team members



  1. Survey of Frameworks (what's out there: TOGAF, Zachman, DODAF etc)
  2. Survey of users: Who is using what?
  3. Maturity Model of usage ?
  4. What does the light version of the framework look like?
  5. What change in organizational maturity helped you move up the maturity scale?
  6. Homegrown Frameworks as an example of what was important to the group
  7. Successes or challenges
  8. Candidates for best practices
EA Tools
  1. InfoSys Survey of TOGAF (80% using Visio, Excel, Powerpoint...)
  2. Possible projects to look at:
    1. Chicago's I.T. Ecosystem Tool (Tom B)
    2. Essential Project
    3. UC Irvine's use of Protege (
    4. Sparx Enterprise Architect (
      1. Integrates with
        1. Jama Contour (Req. Mgmt.,
        2. Which integrates with Jira (Issue Tracking,])
        3. All of which looks a lot like MagicDraw in terms of info capture & reporting, but includes integration w project management.
  1. Methodologies
  2. Taxonomies/Ontologies
  3. There application or use across the enterprise
  4. Maintenance and management across lifecycle issues
  5. Change management and Impact analysis


  • Scott Fullerton, Piet Niederhausen, Rich Stevenson, and Marina Arseniev to create a starting page for this assessment - by February 28th
  • Create list of interview questions - by March 31st
  • Identify campuses that are active with Enterprise Architecture activity to interview - by April 15th
  • Conduct interviews of key individuals at each campus - by June 15th
  • Summarize and publish findings of survey - by July 31st
  • Have a Screen2Screen session to share results - by August 15th

Potential interview questions

The proposed EA framework interview questions have moved here.

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