
Responsible for setting up EA practice reporting to AVP

Accessible communication

The good, the bad and the ugly

Worked with AVP to start working with different team

Presented back the strategy

Conceptual presentation

Response - 15 to 20 people,

Responsible for putting the presentation and not implementing it and the architecture was not human consumable

Iteration 2:

Lot more side conversation

Lot more in Appendix

No more AVP support

Starting the EA practice

You can only get buy-in from AVP if the business sees value

Usually, they don’t know much about business architecture

Iteration 3

Ask was - Timely / Actionable/

Capabilities and outcomes and strategy matrix

Alignment with the Strategy and goals

Got good engagement


Stephanie Warner


What is your question? / What is the question you are trying to find the answer for?

Use humor

Use Repetition?

Jeff Kennedy


Senior executive - too many details

  • Good example
  • Use TikTok/ popular tools didn’t go well because the curator and consumers were not into it


  • Different people were attached to different part of the business , simple and clear


  • People were involved / CFT


Capability - didn’t click

Process Map - didn’t click

People wanted to see what is the new gov structure


This looks more layers and will slow down things

It was not consumable for the people who wanted to see streamlined version


Show hirearchary , little bit better

Too much details

Shows what is coming now and later

Importance was attached to the size of the cluster


Removed details

Aligned new ones with the old one

Execs understand complexity but they are trying to simiifying things and it is our job to represent it

Comments from

You go to present the top right domains and simplification


Yes and also separate simple things from additional complexity

Make sure it is not oversimplification to support additional material

Mary: Graphic designer

Use the


Never put CIO on the spot

Mary Stevens to Everyone (Sep 29, 2023, 11:32 AM)

Love video, the ability to create something that can be consumed by various leaders asynchronously.  My CIO, just let me know that one of the videos I created for her when she arrived she went back to so that she could revisit the topic and refresh her thoughts before our 1-1.

From Piet

@jeff we try to do that too … a few slides up front, more to refer to. Especially in initial conversations.

New2EA Cohort 2 is starting next week

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