Carry and Becky will be talking about the Marketing Technology challenges at universities. This space has been pretty much a wild-west of everybody buy one of everything for most of our institutions.
You are invited to participate in the Enterprise CRM EDUCAUSE Community Group that the two of them lead.
The "Martech" Mashup: A lot more tools have become available at institutions. The landscape is often fragmented, poorly governed, and poorly managed.
Friction point: Why can't IT run these new tools for us?
Jim: Is it being driven to central IT due to risk concerns?
Tools being used internally to central IT and externally.
Henry: Have you decomposed the current state by audience or channel?
Carrie: yes, that is part of the work for every implementation. It definitely varies!
Marketing often has a negative connotation in the Higher Ed space.
One of the challenges is the lack of coordination across offices and departments.
This is compounded by fiefdoms and protection of jobs.
At NYU, units go out to fragmented tools with credit cards. Salesforce has contracted with departments individually. Attempts at a SF community have moved with fits and starts.
At Cornell, trying to push the effort back on units, rather than IT. Need others to create a strategic plan for the University.
Louis: similar to collaboration tools. Consistent set of capabilities that can be applied quite differently depending up on context. This makes it difficult for IT to apply solutions. And yet, there is a complex set of technologies to understand. Think of the problem as enterprise tools with domain-specific practices. If you start centralizing, it is no longer that specific department's problem.
Carrie: similar to content management system.
Louis: the initial driver for CMS was brand consistency.
Chuck Aikman: journey at Indiana University:
Jim: What are the right business capabilities and how do you want them delivered? What's the user experience desired for students? Also, the risk and privacy hook is important.
Becky: Netflixed – struggle between Blockbuster and Netflix. Blockbuster had built two separate infrastructures (brick-and-mortar and online) and couldn't manage.
Louis: it helps to break drivers down into key domains/missions/pillars. People start relating to drivers more. Break drivers down between risk and opportunity. University is highly risk-averse. We have segmentation in data governance, but a similar thing could happen with marketing.
Henry: at NYU, analyzed messages sent out to see who should say what to whom. Established mechanism to coordinate and share across offices.
Chuck: recently worked on standardizing mailings that went out (e.g., admissions application) to make them more consistent.
Becky: used to send out one big email, but now it's more conversational with the right information and community at the right time. Monitor email opens, and call if necessary.
If you are interested in Itana book club, contact JJ DuChateau.