- Roll Call (by timezone - East to West)
- Scribe Shout-out - It's easy to scribe: How To Scribe Itana Calls Guide
- Agenda Bash
- Topic: New to EA - Top Questions Q&A Session
- Itana Org Updates
- Working Group Updates
- New2EA Working Group
- API Working Group
- Business Architecture Working Group
- EA Maturity Model Working Group
- Book Club - Reading "How to Measure Anything"
- Steering Committee Update
Dana Miller
Chris Eagle
Betsy Draper
JJ DuChateau
Beth Schafer
Alberta Mendoza
Ashish Pandit
Chris Berg
Jim Phelps
Brian DeMuelle
Trigby Perea
Rupert Berk
Nathaniel Poon
Majeed Abu-Qulbain
Lonnie (Manitoba)
Glenwood Thomas
Chanaka Kannangara
Michael DiCrescio
John Mullins
4 additional dial-in numbers.
Announcements - Itana News, Working Group Report out
- API Working Group
- Last month session
- This month panel discussion on 1/24 about data modeling and how APIs fit into a data integration ecosystem
- Business Architecture Working Group
- Next Friday Betsy doing presentation on
- EA Maturity Model Working Group
- Post your profile and EA Practice Reviews
- Book Club next meeting January 18, welcome to join
- Steering Committee, Susan Grajek from Educause stepping down and Betsy Reinitz from Educause joining.
Topic: New to EA - Top Questions Q&A Session
- There was a very strong response to the idea of New2EA
- We sent a survey around and there was a great response to that
- Those who have EA, how did you get started.
- Yale
- Manitoba
- Illinois State started in response to duplicative services, various reorganizations, and ERP developed a richer perspective around EA. Now resetting to get stronger.
- When the leadership changed, these organizations lost influence in their organizations.
- Starting from bottom up
- At UW Madison the practice started by influencing technologists and builds and working their way up the stack to more but
- At University of Washington a working group developed capabilities and influenced the organization from there
- U. Kansas started in a group and when up
- Ashish - Initially started EASG steering group. This group recommended and EA practice. A blended model of ground up and top down.
- Brian DeMuelle-As part of the ERP has about 7 EAs that will scale back after developing ERP future state.
- These are two different patterns.
- Those new to EA, what would you like to know more specifically.
- Glen, we are about to start a practice starting it from IT. We have some challenges. We expect we may have started it the wrong way. Is that wrong.
- Nathaniel from Emory. Our's starts from IT and we are really struggling to measure success.
- These practices almost always start out of central IT in higher education because of their central position in the organization
- This is fine but there is more to do
- IT has been historically looking for ways to optimize their processes
- And, much of the business thinking is pretty fragmented
- A great topic is how does a new EA practice get footing in the business
- Jim always looked to get one credible person in the business saying how great it was to work with EA - a champion
- AT ISU I am working from years of being in the organizations a working to pull together the architectures of people who are already there
- Use the Itana Wiki to profile your practice so that you can track it over time.
- Enterprise Architecture Maturity Model
- Practice Profiles & Practice Reviews
- The EA Value Topic
- As much as we read about the value of measurement the value is really about how the organization views how you are working with them. At some point you can construct measurement.
- Jim seconds that. Also being asked to be part of conversations and part of working through problems is a measure of value.
- Leaders using artifacts that you prepared in conversing with others.
- Stakeholder analysis helps you track your relationship engagement and advancement
- Thinking about assessing whether you are doing the right think may be as worthwhile to a measure of the units value.
- Nobody on this call has the Rosetta Stone on how to do this. You have lot's of company.
- If you are going to do an ROI or metric, make sure it is something that you control.
- Some of the value of EA gets reduced when there is a high level of churn in EA over time. If you are not able to drive the cycle of EA because of the organizational structure there are challenges.
- You can target which of these capabilities you can engage in and bring value on those areas. You can develop the EA touch points down the line of the organization.
- Betsy. As Enterprise Architects one needs to be somewhat of an opportunist and do what you can, whenever you can, with whatever resources you have available.
- Being creative to get people doing more things architectural.
- Tools and practices
- Check out what's available on the Itana Wiki.
- Organizing the work
- Piet described how the Itana Working Groups Work
- Itana Steering will support the Working Group
- There are very interesting deliverables that could come out
- Reach out to the steering group and raise your hand again if interested in leading