Roll Call (by timezone - East to West)
Scribe Shout-out
Agenda Bash
Itana Org Updates
Academic year 2016/2017 Kick Off - Facilitator - Jim Phelps
Jim Phelps, facilitator
If you’re not logged in to Connect and/or we didn’t catch your name, please add yourself here:
Ashish Pandit (University of California, San Diego)
Daniel (Georgetown)
Jim DR (UW Bothell)
José Cedeño (OSU)
Rupert Berk (UWash)
Paul Schurr (UWash)
Ray Polakovic (UWash)
From the Adobe Connect attendee list (may not include people who only called in):
The Itana Steering Committee is looking for participation; if you’re interested please email Jim Phelps ( or the Itana Steering mailing list ( It’s an opportunity to give back to the community, lead in a nationally visible group, and learn about leading large-scale architecture and outreach events.
API Working Group update: The group had great discussions in 2016-2017 but hasn’t met since July; Ashish will email the list with agenda for the next meeting. The group is looking for a co-chair or others to help plan agendas.
UW offered to share results of a Proof of Concept (Rupert Berk, Paul Schurr)
José offered to co-chair
Itana Fall Face2Face meeting is open for registration; it’s a pre-conference workshop at EDUCAUSE.
If you are interested in doing a case study at the F2F, contact
The October 7 call agenda will be on Business Architecture as part of an EA practice, led by Piet Niederhausen at the University of Washington
For our December 16 meeting, Beth Schaefer is looking for ideas on groups for Itana to reach out and connect with, to have a joint call/meeting
Ceri Davies suggested connecting with the UK HE UCISA-EA group (thanks! :) and will coordinate with Beth; more suggestions are still welcome!
Feedback on the Book Club and Connecting with Others streams for this year:
Book Club could include Gartner or Forrester articles; we just need to be conscious of what people do/don’t have access to
Suggestion to share more examples (higher ed as opposed to corporate) -- usually the best thing to do is to email the list to get pointers to case studies or reference architectures that institutions have on their own web sites
What’s going on at your institutions, and what are you interested in having Itana do for you?
Ann Lurie and her colleagues at Harvard are starting to create an EA practice in a very decentralized environment (sorry I didn’t catch your colleagues’ names); interested in insights and help from others
Challenges include getting organizational buy-in from a wide range of stakeholders
Ravi Agarwal and his colleagues at St. Norbert College are also starting a practice; looking for TOGAF-compatible tools to start using
Challenges include not knowing where to start; it feels like an enormous body of work; very little is documented to date
Dave Kelly and his colleagues at U of Iowa are also getting more formal about EA; interested in having a group that offers value rather than forcing people to adhere to standards
Ceri Davies at Cardiff in the UK is working on a mixed approach that puts stakeholder needs first and create artifacts that are helpful. Getting ready to launch a new approach, together with the PMO, in which the team has the authority to accept program architectures and provide assurance that programs have well-defined architectures.
Challenges include having a small team (2.5 people) to guide 3 million dollars worth of projects; need projects/programs to take on some of the work of architecture, using guidance, checklists, best practices, etc.
Walter Green at the U of Arkansas is also starting a new EA program
Challenges include explaining what EA is and what it’s for
There’s interest in “getting started in EA” type discussion; we should make it a call topic
From the Adobe Connect whiteboard:
We viewed the Itana 2016-2017 Program