Roll Call East to West
Scribe for call
Agenda Bash
Itana Administration
Facilitating Strategic Thinking - Gabriela Redwine, Digital Archivist and Louis King, Enterprise Architect
Scott Fullerton retired and rolled off ITANA. Scott was foundational to ITANA at its beginning and helped drive many ITANA initiatives, Face2Face meetings, and the Steering Committee
Next ITANA F2F will be at the EDUCAUSE national conference this Fall in Anaheim California … this workshop could include continuing to work on deliverables from the Spring F2F
API management group remains active and had an update but I missed it
If you are interested in serving on the ITANA Steering Committee, send an email to: The ITANA Steering Committee Discussion Listserv itana-steering@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU
Facilitating Strategic Thinking - Gabriela Redwine, Digital Archivist and Louis King, Enterprise Architect
Presentation Materials:
Web Archiving strategy development provided an example of a system wide partnership
First few weeks spend storming and norming
Louis discussed soft skills training provided by MOR Leaders
Campus leaders receptive to a facilitated discussion
Learned that building a strategy would be more effective than building a program
Developed goals
University of Michigan
University of Washington
From the Adobe Connect whiteboard:
Presentation Materials:
From the Adobe Connect chat window:
Jim Phelps: Hello Chris
Chris Eagle (Michigan): i'm not really here. Trying to do 2 meetings at the same time, but the other one has priority
Chris Eagle (Michigan): Chris Eagle, Michigan!
Piet Niederhausen (UWash): For anyone who would like to scribe ... here are the last call's minutes as a template:
Piet Niederhausen (UWash): The materials that will be referred to are here:
Dana Miller-Miami University of Ohio: Thanks Piet. I'm scribing.
Jim Phelps: How many of you have been through MOT ITLP or a campus version of it? (We have a Leadership Development Program here at UW that is based on MOR ITLP)
Jim Phelps: This is a common pattern that I find myself in: I'm a strong facilitator but I also have a role where I'm a SME and need to have a voice at the table. I've had to either partner to find another facilitator or "switch hats" in the room and say, "I'm putting on my EA hat now..."
Jim Phelps: Louis?
Jim Phelps: THat is an interesting flip of the SWOT to be OT first
Piet Niederhausen (UWash): Louis is referring to:
Piet Niederhausen (UWash): I think that's a key observation -- you were dealing with a large complex problem space, and the initial group was invaluable for setting context and direction, but another group needed to work on the next level of detail down.
Jim Phelps: The facilitation tools I've heard so far: I Time, Dot Voting, Affinity Mapping
Jim Phelps: That is an interesting separation between Tactics and Strategy. The strategy set the future state goals. The tactics are next steps towards those goals.
Piet Niederhausen (UWash): Great observation about letting thinking happen before writing ... to me this also reflects different roles and skill sets that need to be involved at different points for the whole effort to be effective.
Piet Niederhausen (UWash): Great collaboration and joint presentation! Thank you so much!