
Attending: Keith Wessel, Mike Grady, Jessica Coltrin, Heather Flanagan, Matt Brookover, Mary McKee, Matthew Economou, Eric Kool-Brown

With: David Walker, Albert Wu, Dean Woodbeck, Nick Roy, James Babb, IJ Kim, David Shafer, Ian Young, Shannon Roddy, Ann West

Intellectual Property Reminder - All Internet2 activities are governed by the Internet2 Intellectual Property Framework

Public Content Notice - TAC minutes are public documents, please let the TAC and note taker know if you plan to discuss something of a sensitive nature.

Keith Wessel, TAC vice-chair, chaired today’s meeting.

Trust & Identity + InCommon Ops Update

MDQ - Technology preview will go live on March 13. Sending targeted invitations for participation. The documentation is public but not advertised. New signing key. If TAC members interested in using the technology preview, send email to Nick Roy (nroy@internet2.edu). Comment from Matthew Economou that NIH is using it and finds it very reliable.

Federation Manager - Preparing to allow self-assertion of REFEDS R&S.

NIH Moving to R&S - We’ve been working with NIH for quite awhile. In the last four months, the operator of the gateway at NIH contacted us about moving NIH and all of its services to R&S. It is a huge undertaking for them and a great benefit to InCommon. Planning to do some testing mid-March and roll it out to R&S IdPs first, then communicating to InCommon IdPs that are not R&S. NIH will do a webinar on this. Moves onboarding a researcher from two weeks to a day. There are more than 400 participants that have NIH grants (about of 540 IdPs).

International Update

RA21 - The draft of the recommended practice document is now out for review by the RA21 Steering, Outreach, and Advisory committees. The Steering Committee is expected to vote during the 7 March meeting as to whether the doc is ready to go to NISO for formal review and publication as a NISO Recommended Practice. The NISO review process includes a formal public consultation period.

A few highlights of interest to the fed op community:

  • The draft formally endorses the spirit of the REFEDS Data Protection Code of Conduct
  • Both the UX and general architectural guidance will have significant implications for the REFEDS Discovery Guide. 

The governance planning committee met in Vienna on 15 February and came up with a rough list of resources required from the organizations at the table (STM, NISO, GEANT, ORCID, and Internet2). They also enjoyed a solid presentation from Jakob Lind (Futurniture) on branding the service going forward. Nothing there is final yet, but a couple of key points of note:

  • The governance planning committee is actively looking to bring a representative from an international library consortium to the table.

  • Various boards (e.g., STM, ORCID, etc) will be meeting between March and May and are expected to vote at that time as to whether they are ok with funding/sourcing the resources required to make the WAYF persistence and default discovery service happen.

  • The technical advisory group (which includes GEANT, Internet2, JISC, and ORCID) will be meeting on March 5 to discuss some additional details around what a default discovery service needs to look like to be useful to federations.

If you have topics to discuss at REFEDS at the June TNC meeting, send them to Heather or Nicole Harris. Piloting a mentoring program for engineers to attract new blood.

Schema board - nominations close today (have 8 nominees) - Heather will announce the membership tomorrow.

FIM4L (libraries) spinning up.

Working Group Updates

OIDC Deployment - Nathan Dors’s plan is to put a new charter on the wiki, refocusing the WG efforts on GEANT OIDC plug-in for Shib.

REFEDS Federation 2.0 - No report

IdP as a Service - Charter is about finished. Planning to send out a call for participation in the WG soon.

TAC/CTAB/CACTI Collaboration Update

Eric Goodman expressed interest in representing the TAC to CTAB and Jessica Coltrin is interested in doing so to CACTI. Eric attended his first CTAB call last week.

On the TAC call agendas going forward, we'll have a regular brief update similar to what we have now for T&I and Ops on advisory group activities as they relate to the work of the TAC.

Reach Consensus - OIDC/OAuth Deployment WG Refocus

While there are many topics related to OIDC and OAUTH that the group could pursue, the thought was to work on integrating OIDC support into the IdP. This will give the group a narrow focus on and produce something concrete and valuable that could be covered in a reasonable timeframe. Nathan Dors started a first draft of the guide based on the format of the Grouper Deployment Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kc_Qadsz6fwrA8-sV_AzfWOFrFpxsvyXLIqnlR-KcEU

Existing charter and objectives:  https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/x/jJiTBg

TAC consensus is for the WG to move forward with this refocus and looks forward to seeing the revised charter.

RA21 Demo

The recording of Heather's RA21 discussion and demo is here: https://internet2.zoom.us/recording/share/c-fkFRyesSS66pnezliDfewKvA4pez6aDXg5w5gW_-iwIumekTziMw

Next Meeting - March 14, 2019 - 1 pm ET

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