
The InCommon Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) supports InCommon’s mission “to create and support a common framework for trustworthy shared management of access to online resources.” It is an advisory body to the InCommon Steering Committee. It provides advice on InCommon’s operational processes and practices, strategies, capabilities, and roadmap to InCommon Steering and to InCommon Operations (OPS). The TAC meets biweekly throughout the year. Members serve three-year terms.

TAC Charter and Current Members

Charter - The InCommon TAC charter is available on the InCommon website.

Visit the InCommon Community Leadership page for the current list of members.

There is also a page listing all current and past members.

Current Work Items

Past Work Items

TAC Chartered Working Groups & Final Reports

A list of current and recently concluded InCommon Working Groups (including TAC Chartered) is available on the wiki.

Meeting Minutes & Documents

Public TAC Minutes (posted within two weeks of the meeting)

TAC Member Resources

Materials for TAC Members (private)

Technical Discussion List

Follow discussions about technical issues or current trends or ask technical questions related to InCommon and global federation.

List:  technical-discuss@incommon.org To subscribe, send email to sympa@incommon.org with the Subject: subscribe technical-discuss

** Note, this list does not replace specific product support lists, so questions on specific products should continue to be posted to those lists (e.g. Shibboleth, Grouper, etc.).

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